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The 6 Most Common Regrets After a Night Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

Alright girls, we’ve all been there. I’m talking about that terrible day-after-a-night-out feeling when you know you’ve made a straight fool out of yourself the night before. This day of dwelling, re-reading text messages, and expressing all of your anxieties to your friends can be a common occasion for a college gal.

We all say, “NEVER AGAIN,” to our actions, but find ourselves repeating the same old mistakes next Thursday’s Happy Hour. Here are a few of the classics:

1.Texting the Ex

We always want to stay strong, but texting the ex can be oh-so-tempting. After getting dolled up, and a few drinks in, confidence is shooting through the roof and expressed via text message. However, the can of worms this simple action can cause is usually never worth it.

2. Approaching That Hot Classmate

Okay, we all have that guy we love to admire in class. This is the guy we put a little extra effort in our appearance for just because we never know if he will sit next to us that day. Running into this hot classmate out is one of my favorites. However, depending on how much fun you’re having and number of drinks you’ve consumed, approaching this guy may not be in your best interest. Yes, there is a possibility that you could definitely spark something, but you could also make things severely awkward the next week in class.

3. A Case of the Waterworks

Having a little too much fun can, in many circumstances, end in one too many tears. Whether you took something out of context, saw your ex all over another girl, or was suddenly overcome with emotion (and don’t understand why), you never want to be “that girl” wallowing at the bar with puffy eyes. 

4. Drunk Munchies

The vow of eating healthy is shot after a night out.  Time after time, nights end in pizza, Menna’s, or all the frozen food left in the freezer. The case of the drunk munchies leaves many feeling regretful, bloated, and gross the next morning. But hey, these are the years we can get away with this horrible binge eating habit, right?

5. The Kissing Bandit

…enough said.

6. Spending Your Summer Earnings on Your Bar Tab

Checking the bank statement the next morning is a nerve racking feeling. What seemed like an innocent round of shots for the table on your dime is now resulting in eating ramen for the rest of the week.


These regrets make a lot of women want to change their lifestyle and reevaluate some of their priorities. While mistakes are not exactly the classiest or most desirable, they are just a part of being young, and many can relate. 

Never get down on yourself when this stuff happens. Although the next morning isn’t the most enjoyable, these are all things women can learn from. Wouldn’t you rather be making these mistakes in your early 20’s versus your early 30’s? 

Regrets from a night out also create hilarious memories that you will never forget. While you are in the professional world with a great career and life, the college memories of finishing off a full pizza with your friend after a night at the Wayside will never get old. Along with the memory of stalking your hot classmate in the bar, and having to face him the next day in journalism.

Stay professional, have fun, be careful what you post on social media, but just keep in mind that these regretful nights happen. Learn from them, laugh at them, and enjoy your crazy years while you have them. 

Senior at CMU. Majoring in Integrative Public Relations and minoring in Event Management. Member of Sigma Kappa Sorority.