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5 Ways to Turn Your Day Around

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

We all hope to be able to say when we die that we had more good days than bad, but in reality, we’re going to have both. Whether you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or your day doesn’t progress exactly as planned, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes it seems like everything is crumbling and you’re in over your head; unfortunately, in times like this, it’s hard to take a step back and realize that all you need is a few deep breaths to relax. For those of us that can’t afford full body massages and don’t want to binge on comfort food, there are other methods to wind down. The key to turning your bad day around is to keep it simple!  

1. Look at pictures of cute puppies. Initially, you might feel a little weird, but it’s a foolproof way to put a smile on your face. After looking at those adorable faces, it’s impossible not to be in a better mood.

2. Light a candle. Candles offer natural stress relief and some scents are specifically meant to relax people such as lavender, sandalwood and chamomile. A good smell can help you clear your mind and create a more pleasant environment.

3. Use a warm compress or heating pad. Heat can physically release tension you’re holding in your body. Putting a warm compress on your neck/face or putting a heating pad on the back of your chair can be very relaxing.

4. Listen to your favorite music. It wouldn’t even be a bad idea to create a playlist for days you’re down in the dumps. The right lineup of songs can completely transform your mood.

5. Stretch or take a walk.  A little physical activity or stretch will help your body relax. If you take five minutes to walk down the hallway or sprawl out on the floor your mind will reap the benefits.

On a stressful day, it’s hard to realize how little your problems will matter a few years, weeks or hours down the line. Usually, it only takes a few minutes to clear your mind and change you’re mood if you’re willing, so give it a shot!


A sophomore at Central Michigan University studying Integrative Public Relations.