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The 5 Types of People in Your Life Who You Should Leave in 2018

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

According to Business Insider, around 80% of people fail their New Year’s resolution by February.  Despite this, everyone is still jumping at the idea of losing a few pounds or exercising more in 2019.  And while the spark of enthusiasm is great, maybe we need to reevaluate what’s going to make us feel more fulfilled as individuals in the long-run.

And maybe it’s time to make a change with the type of people in your life.

Maybe there’s someone toxic in your life who is always giving back-handed compliments. Or maybe you have that friend who’s constantly bringing you down.  Take a look at the people in your life and see who’s not contributing to your happiness. Here are some of the common individuals you might consider cutting out:

The Negative Nelson

Chances are, there’s more than one of these in your life.  It’s so unfortunate cutting individuals like these out too, because you know that someone or something had to make them that way.  And if you’re close enough with the individual, you probably even know why. However, if they’re bringing you down with them, it’s time to let them go.  Just remember, you are the only person you are stuck with, so you can be selective about the people in your life. Choose people who build you up and celebrate your successes.  Quit spending time with those who don’t and I can guarantee it’ll be a fresh breath of air.

The Finesser

You only get hit up by this friend when they need something from you– whether that’s a favor, when they want to borrow something or when they need advice.  You are never the first person on their radar, perhaps you’re even the last. But you come in handy to them when they need someone who won’t say no. Clearly, they don’t value you as much as you value them.  Know your worth and let them go.

The Ex

This should have been left in the past years ago.  Just remember, you broke up for a reason. Even if you’re not trying to get back together with him/her, he/she still might be holding you back.

The Competitor  

AKA the frenemy.  It might be someone from your chemistry class, someone you’re acquainted with from a club you’re apart of… maybe it’s even your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend.  It’s time to forget about them. We are all on our own journeys and need to learn to focus on ourselves this year.

The Old You

You are growing every day.  You aren’t the person you were last year.  You aren’t the person you were last month. You’re probably not even the same person you were yesterday.  Keep working to be the best version of yourself you can be and make sure to surround yourself with people who support that.


Hi there! My name is Kara and I am originally from Freeland, Michigan, a tiny town in the Mid-Michigan area. I am a junior here at Central Michigan University and I am pursuing a degree in Advertising and Multi-Media Design. I have a passion for art, fashion, and music so I hope to one day work in one of these industries. My dream is to live in Chicago or New York! On campus, I am involved with the Honors Program, Advertising Student Development Forum (ASDF), the Beta Phi chapter of the Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, and am now serving as the co-correspondent and editor-in-chief of the C-Mich chapter of Her Campus. I am excited to take on this role and be working with our team throughout this journey! I absolutely love Her Campus and everything that it stands for. It is not only important to empower women, but important to empower people of all sexualities, genders, races, religious beliefs, etc. A fun fact about me is that I love to roller blade and I spent over a month in Thailand this past summer!