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5 DIY Beauty Remedies Every Collegiette Should Try

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

There is nothing more rejuvenating and relaxing than a spa day. However, for us college students that can be a bit pricey. It is no excuse to neglect yourself, we all deserve a bit of T-L-C once in a while and there are plenty of do-it-yourself remedies that won’t break your bank. Below are five all natural, do-it-yourself beauty tricks that will get you healthier hair and skin by just adding some simple ingredients from your kitchen.


Anti-cellulite Scrub:

I love coffee! Who would have thought that it would get rid of cellulite too? It’s almost too good to be. If you have about 40 minutes try this home remedy to help reduce cellulite on your desired areas.

  1. Take half a cup of coffee, mix it with hot water until it looks like a paste, then add 2 teaspoons of olive oil.
  2. Put old newspapers or an old towel on the floor to protect it and using a circular motion rub the mixture into the places where you have cellulite.
  3. Then with a plastic kitchen wrap, wrap the areas on which you applied the mixture.
  4. Sit down and relax for about 30 minutes (oil will stain so be mindful of what you wear). 
  5. Finally, wash the coffee mixture with warm water.

P.S. Brushing your skin in a circular motion is an effective and simple way to reduce cellulite.


Teeth Whitening:

Whitening strips can cost at least $30 but this remedy right here will cost you under $5. That’s what I call savings. You will need hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, regular mouthwash and toothpaste.

  1. Mix 1/2 hydrogen peroxide plus 1/2 mouthwash
  2. Gargle the mixture for a minute and rinse
  3. Brush your teeth with baking soda and toothpaste mixture
  4. To this, mix a bit of toothpaste plus 1 tsp of baking soda plus half tsp of water
  5. Mix thoroughly until you reach the consistency of a paste
  6. Brush your teeth using the mixture.

Exfoliate Your Skin:

Perfect to get rid of dry, dead skin and get that summer glow. You will need olive oil, brown sugar and your favorite body soap.

  1. Mix 1/4 – 1/2 cup of sugar, 1-2 tbsp of olive oil and a generous amount of your favorite body wash. 
  2. Rinse your body in the shower.
  3. Step out of the water and scrub your skin (neck to ankles)
  4. Viola! You will have smooth, glowing skin!

Classic Hot Oil Hair Treatment:

After winter, hair tends to be dry and damaged. If you are looking to get longer hair or maybe just healthier hair, doing a hot oil treatment with olive oil is a simple and effective way for healthy, long hair. It is recommended for hair growth to do at least once a week. Oil therapy can be beneficial for controlling dandruff and hair fall.

  1. Depending on how thick or thin your hair is measure your desired amount. Heat up on the stove or microwave but avoid getting it too hot. 
  2. Apply throughout hair
  3. Leave on hair for at least a half hour
  4. Rinse!

P.S. If you have oily hair try using jojoba oil and for those of you that have really dry, frizzy hair, avocado oil will moisturize it the best.


Blackhead Remover:

Blackheads drive me insane and I was getting tired of buying pore strips. So I decided to Google natural remedies for removing blackheads. This was one trick that everyone should try if you have a blackhead problem. You will need two ingredients, milk and baking soda.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp of backing soda and 1/4 cup of milk
  2. Rub into blackhead-prone areas using a soft makeup sponge.
  3. Rinse and repeat, if needed.
Integrative public relations major, marketing and journalism minor. I'm a health nut and I love to bargain shop. You can find me with my nose buried in a book or in Forever 21.