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20 Things I Learned at the Age of 20

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.
  1. Not everybody will find a friend that they are attached at the hip too. Someone that they can convince to go out on a Sunday night, or stay in on a weekend to go to Tim Hortons. Someone they can call day or night sobbing over a dumb fraternity guy, or someone to trust with every secret they possess. If you can find a friend like this, hold them close, and don’t ever take your friendship for granted.
  2. Similar to this — you will fight with your friends. You will act stupid, be inconsiderate and selfish, and piss off your crew. You’re human; you make mistakes. Realize when you screw up, apologize, and learn from your wrong-doings. Also, learn forgiveness and empathy when your friends mess up, too.
  3. Worrying gets you absolutely nowhere. It will not help you pass your test, land an internship, earn a 4.0, pay your bills, or make the future any different. The only thing worrying does is give you wrinkles and create more stress. Exhale. Things work out exactly how they’re supposed to.
  4. There will always be an excuse to drink and go out in college. Take advantage of that. College is the only place where it is acceptable to get belligerently drunk 7/7 days a week. Besides, the best stories and memories come from the Thursday nights out.
  5. Remember to have a balance. It’s okay to be obsessed with your schoolwork, work so you’re not broke, drink more alcohol than water, and be involved in a million +1 clubs, but balance is key. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, learn to prioritize but make room for free time.
  6. Read! And not those stupid Twilight books either. Read real literature, study poetry, analyze a few plays. There are so many great pieces out there by amazing authors, go indulge in some of it before it all goes paperless.
  7. Take advantage in all your university has to offer. Join every club that seems even the slightest bit interesting to you. Study abroad, join Greek life, start an intramural sports team! The possibilities are endless and this is your chance to do whatever your heart desires. 
  8. The world is huge — travel! Go to a country where you can’t speak a word of their main language. Go somewhere that will give you culture shock. Go alone, go with friends, just GO. It’s very humbling traveling around the globe, you’ll learn about other cultures, lifestyles, and yourself. Spending money on traveling is the richest way to go broke.
  9. Tell people your real emotions. Nobody knows what tomorrow’s outcome will be. You will always say, “What if?”, if you don’t tell people how you really feel. It will start and end relationships with people, but life’s too short not to speak your mind. If someone can’t handle your real emotions, then obviously they don’t belong in your life.
  10. Fall in love with yourself first. It’s corny, I know, but how can anyone else love you if you don’t see the beauty and potential you have to offer? Nobody can be you better than yourself. Accept and embrace that.
  11. Stop comparing yourself to other people! You’re not them, you never will be them, so don’t compare yourself to others. If you want to compare yourself to anyone,-compare your present self to the best version of you that you can be. 
  12. Get a horrible, terrible, miserable job. Why? Because it will teach you to value your dream job when you land it. It will also teach you the value of a dollar.
  13. Remember on your worst days, somebody in the world is having a day much worse. They might not have food to eat, a roof to sleep under, or water to drink. It could always be worse, so suck it up and deal with your bad hair day, or the F you got on your paper. Be thankful for the things that you do have.
  14. If you really don’t have time to work out, don’t freak out about it. You will not gain 20 lbs if you skip a run. However, if you do have time to go to the gym, don’t just sit on the couch all day. Fitness is important, but it shouldn’t control your life.
  15. Eat the freaking piece of cake… and those three cookies, too.
  16. Freshman year is always a bad year. Save the pictures for proof (but take them off Facebook unless you want your entire school’s population to see them). 
  17. Stop searching for “the one”. You will never find the right person if you’re always looking. When you’re old you’ll want to tell your kids a great, passion-filled love story. The greatest stories are the unplanned ones.
  18. Nobody graduates in four years anymore. If you have to stay an extra semester or year, then stay. Stop forcing 18 credit semesters on yourself, they’re horrible and not worth your time. Your memories should be with your friends, not at the library. 
  19. Give people a chance, go on dates, and fall in love. You will get your heart broken, once, twice, maybe more. Maybe you’ll break a few hearts yourself. Have one night stands, have a FWB, even — God-forbid — have a boyfriend. All is fair in love and war. Except cheating. Cheating is never fair.
  20. Try your best at everything you do and always aim high. If you do these two things, then you’ll succeed with whatever you put your mind too.