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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Butler chapter.

One of our photographers, Carly Dobert, just uploaded a TON of animal pics to our Google drive… I’m obsessed!!!


Check these out.


Look at these precious puppers all hangin out together!


Check out the smize on this beauty.


Holy crap those wings.


I just want to hug the shit out of this little guy!


Magestic AF.


Giraffes are my favorite, this one especially!


We love a good booty shot.


The happiest boy.

Rae Stoffel is a senior at Butler University studying Journalism with a double minor in French and strategic communications. With an affinity for iced coffee, blazers, and the worlds worst jokes, she calls herself a witty optomistic, which can be heavily reflected in her writing. Stoffel is a Chicago native looking forward to returning to the windy city post graduation.