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Life > Experiences

New Member Spotlight: Meet Sierra

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Butler chapter.

Meet Sierra, our well traveled, well dressed new member of the week!



HC: Major, year in school?

S: English: Creative Writing, sophomore. 


HC: Where are you from?  

S: Veedersburg, IN but I just moved to a town with more Amish buggies than cars.


HC: What are your favorite hobbies/sports/interests?

S:I love wax seals, poetry, discovering new music, playing tennis, swimming, and camping. i also love fashion and traveling.


HC: Do you have any pets?

S:I don’t but I volunteer at the local animal shelter and help train dogs with my mother.


HC: Is it too early to start celebrating Christmas?

S: Always too early to celebrate unless it’s after Thanksgiving.


HC: Current favorite tv show?

S:  911.  


HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

S:I like Andrew Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge (oddly specific i know).


HC: Favorite vine?

S: “ahhh you made me drop my croissant”


HC: A woman who inspires you & why?

S: Honestly, the cliche answer is prob my mom’s strength, but inspirational: probably Liv Jacobs. She works so hard and somehow manages to do it all. Always puts others above herself. This girl needs a shout out and a face mask.


HC: Coffee or tea?

S: Always tea. For winter, Chai is my favorite, but green tea with creamed honey and a splash of milk is a good second.


HC: What is your favorite fall activity?

S: swinging with a good book/ a notebook and pen, my License to Chill playlist and lots of blankets.


HC: One random fact about you someone might not guess

S: I have an entire meme playlist on Spotify called “What do you meme” ( I love making playlists for people,moods, etc. It’s like a different kind of spoken word poetry for me).


Rae Stoffel is a senior at Butler University studying Journalism with a double minor in French and strategic communications. With an affinity for iced coffee, blazers, and the worlds worst jokes, she calls herself a witty optomistic, which can be heavily reflected in her writing. Stoffel is a Chicago native looking forward to returning to the windy city post graduation.