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What NOT to do For Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

With Halloween right around the corner, there’s many ideas for Halloween costumes. People dress slutty or really scary and sometimes they are good costumes. However there’s a lot of costumes that should not be worn. If you have to question if your costume is gonna be okay then maybe you shouldn’t wear it. Here are some things you should 100% NOT do during Halloween.


1.Black face

This includes brown face and/or changing your skin color darker to be a black character. There’s plenty of ways to not do blackface for your outfit.  

2. Racial stereo types

Don’t be a Mexican with a sombrero. Don’t wear bindis. Don’t wear anything that people wear for special events or religious events as a costume.

3. Don’t dress as a zombie of a celebrity

If a celeb died in a tragic way don’t mock their death as a costume. Don’t dress as Steve Irwin with a stingray attached to you. You’re disrespecting the dead and mocking their death.

4. Don’t dress as someone who committed a heinous crime.

No Bill Cosby’s or Harvey Weinstein please.

It’s really not hard to find a regular Halloween costume that won’t offend everyone around you. And if you do don’t be surprised if someone says something to you​