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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

With spring break approaching, I thought I would give you guys some ideas on how to spend it.  Whether you’re going on vacation or chillin’ at home, these ideas can work either way!  Personally, my goal for this break is to take time for myself and do things that I like to do.  With this past semester being extremely hectic for me, I am in dire need of putting me first and doing things I love.  Without further ado, here are some of my ideas:

Go for a hike

There’s nothing like getting out in nature for a breather.  Either go by yourself or with friends!  If you’re going by yourself, you can bring a speaker or headphones to play some music.  I would silence my phone and put it on do not disturb to really absorb your surroundings.

Have a to-do day

You can think of this as spring cleaning, except you can adjust it to whatever you have been trying to get done recently!  For example, I have been meaning to refold the clothes in my drawer because they’re getting all bunched up, and I can barely close the drawers anymore.  My carpet is also in need of a good vacuum.  Little things like this can make you feel more accomplished and lift some weight off of your shoulders.

Have a spa day

If you have the money to go to the spa, do it!  I know I’m personally balling on a budget, so there are many alternatives to this.  You can go to the store and buy a bunch of face masks, nail polish, whatever it may be.  Then light a candle, drink some hot tea, play some music or your favorite T.V. show, and take time to relax!

Have a movie night with your friends

I love having movie nights with my friends.  Invite your friends over with a cute setup and ask everyone to bring their favorite snack and BOOM-a super easy and fun night for everyone.

Go out on the town to a place you have always wanted to go

Everyone has that one place in town that they have been meaning to go to but just have not had the time.  Now is your time to do it!  You can either go by yourself or with friends, take pictures, and make a fun day out of it.

I hope you take these suggestions and put them to good use!  Have a safe, healthy, and happy spring break everyone <3

Katie is the president and chapter correspondent of the Her Campus Buffalo chapter and a junior at the University at Buffalo studying psychology and political science. She loves to write about current events, politics, how to manage college life, and much more! She plans on using this platform to speak her mind and make a difference at UB.