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Quick and Easy Recipes for College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

no, i am not a chef, these recipes came from the internet

(what would we do without you, internet?)

Living off-campus has meant that I have to do a lot more cooking for myself, which has advantages and disadvantages. One thing I dislike is the amount of time it can take to cook a meal, so I prefer quick, simple, and delicious recipes as a college student. I love finding recipes online and on TikTok, then experimenting! My experiments sometimes are a huge miss or success (it depends). I love my mother’s cooking, and I miss having those home-cooked meals. However, with more practice and experimentation, I hope to be a fantastic cook like her one day.

Peanut Butter Oatmeal

Nourishing Oatmeal Breakfast Bowl 5

Recipe Link: https://asimplepalate.com/blog/nourishing-oatmeal-breakfast-bowl/

Biscuits and Sausage Gravy

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Recipe Link: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/biscuits-and-sausage-gravy/

TikTok Breakfast sandwich

tik tok breakfast sandwich

Recipe Link: https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/tiktok-breakfast-sandwich-hack/

Chicken Fried Rice

chickenfriedrice 2

Recipe Link: https://www.averiecooks.com/easy-better-takeout-chicken-fried-rice/

Lentil Soup

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Recipe Link: https://cookieandkate.com/best-lentil-soup-recipe/

Shrimp Pasta Alfredo

creamy shrimp alfredo pasta recipe 5

Recipe Link: https://www.saltandlavender.com/easy-shrimp-alfredo/

TikTok Ramen

tiktok ramen 1699w

Recipe Link: https://iamafoodblog.com/tiktok-ramen/

Pesto Pasta

pesto pasta recipe

Recipe Link: https://www.loveandlemons.com/pesto-pasta/

Shrimp Tacos

easy shrimp tacos recipe 6

Recipe Link: https://www.spendwithpennies.com/shrimp-tacos/

Fettuccine Alfredo

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Recipe Link: https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/3-ingredient-fettuccine-alfredo/

Allison Lagos-Soriano is currently a senior at the University at Buffalo, studying Marketing and Data Analytics. She loves wellness, music, true crime, makeup, and pop culture. Allison has many dreams and aspirations to be a successful business woman, travel the world, and make the world a better place. #GoBulls