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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

     Over our extended winter break, I was casually scrolling through my Tiktok when I saw a video about notion and how it will enhance my experience as an *organized* student and ensure that I have everything pertaining to my classes in one place, and knowing me, I decided to look into it, and I have to say that I am extremely pleased with my experience so far. I use Notion to make sure that all of my assignments, projects and other important details are organized, and then I use my planner to plan out and break down all how and when I do all of my assignments.

What is Notion?

Notion is an app designed to, “beat procrastination, calm a scattered brain, and get more done.” Click here to see the YouTube video introducing Notion. Notion has tools that work the way you want in order to study smarter, not harder. There are docs and databases, an option to embed anything into your notes and pages, and you even have the option to publish any page online, especially if you are interested in building and maintaining a website. The best part is that it is free for students! So you get the option to explore and create for everything without having to pay, which is a great selling point to any student.

How to Use Notion

I will admit, Notion can be quite difficult to navigate, especially when you start from scratch. Personally, I used this template and altered it based on what I wanted and needed for my classes and it has been extremely easy to navigate. I would suggest watching this youtube video from the template creator, Mayer Adelberg by clicking here because he gives an very detailed walkthrough on how to use the template to fit you.

Notion is definitely worth it, especially if you use the template and customize it to suit your personal academic needs. I hope it works in your favor and you like it just as much as I do :) 

A UB student double majoring in Psychology and Criminology, activist, coffee enthusiast, music and fashion lover. She loves using Her Campus as a medium to express her many passions, from self-care, fashion, movies, and books to activism, criminology and psychology.