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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.
  1. Clean it every week.

If you use your beauty blender everyday, it should be cleaned AT LEAST once a week. I personally, cannot afford to buy the beauty blender cleaning liquid so i like to use a Dove soap bar which works just as good. Be gentle while cleaning so you don’t tear your blender!


2. Leave your beauty blender out to dry after use.

If you stick your beauty blender back in your makeup bag while its wet, you’ll notice it starts to smell kind of bad. This can also start to ruin your blender if done too much, allowing it to air it let’s it dry evenly and thoroughly and keeps it smelling fresh.


3. Make sure you dampen your blender every use.

Sometimes, when i was too lazy to get up and wet my sponge, i would just use it dry. Not only does it not apply your makeup as well, it actually ends up sucking in more foundation which isn’t good for the sponge.


What I like to do is keep a spray bottle next to my makeup to spray it instead of having to get up every time! It makes your makeup look more even and blended, and stops you from wasting more product.