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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

Going away to college is what most highschool seniors cannot wait to do, but let’s be honest sometimes it can get a little lonely. Coming to college was the first time I had ever been away for more than two weeks. I missed my family, friends, and most of all my bed. LOL! Just know it is okay to be homesick and a lot more people are feeling the same way whether they show it or not. Here are some tips and tricks on how to get past being homesick; 


  • Have designated family time video calls and catch up with everyone at home so it doesn’t feel like your missing out.

  • Have momentos from home in your room. Things like pictures, paintings, or anything that you hold dear to your connection with home.

  • Go out and participate in the many activities that your school hosts to keep your mind off things.

  • Cook home style meals on the weekends. 

  • Plan your trips back home early on in the school year to keep you motivated and pass time quicker.

  • Talk about it. Most of the time others may share the same feeling as you, talking to them may allow you to find comfort in the fact that you are not alone. 


Remember there is nothing wrong with being homesick. Its part of becoming independent and growing up. Being homesick is temporary!


Ariel Fox

Buffalo '20

Hi my name is Ariel Fox. I am a Biological Science major with a passion in genetics. I enjoy writing tips and tricks columns including everything from girly hobbies to day to day advice.
Nancy Acosta

Buffalo '20

Nancy is currently a Junior here at the University at Buffalo and is Campus Correspondent for the UBHC Chapter. She is majoring in Communications with a dual minor in International Trade/Geography and Political Science.