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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

With summer coming right around the corner it’s easy to panic about not being summer ready! Don’t forget every body is a bikini body, so don’t worry about losing those extra pounds. 

Here’s a few tips to be your best self in the summer.

No matter what your skin color, everyone should wear spf. Having a tan in the summer is great,but your skins health comes first. Any person of color can tan too. It a great way to pretty much add a layer of coverage to our body. I like to fake tan my legs and stomach,because it gets super pale during the long winter here in Buffalo.

Here’s a list from Sephora of tanning products made for darker skin! https://www.sephora.com/buy/self-tanners-for-dark-skin

Your hair can get damaged in the summer just by sitting in the sun. It’s another version of putting heat on your hair. In the summer try to wear hats or sit under umbrellas. Get any conditioner or hair moisturizer with SPF so your scalp doesn’t burn!

In the summer I try to wear little to no makeup. Wearing too much while sweating can cause breakouts. wear SPF on your face, even if you feel oily and sweaty.  Theres specific face lotions for oily skin. 

Stock up on your favorite basic clothing pieces. Be comfortable in teh summer because it’s gonna get hot. my favorite outfit in the summer is a basic t-shirt dress with sandals. 


Have a fun summer! Hopefully Summer ’19 is just as good as Summer ’16