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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

Valentine’s Day has always been a holiday I’ve always seen as cringey and honestly kind of dumb. So if you’re like me or my best friends, you probably see it as a cliche. So instead of celebrating Valentine’s day, Galentine’s day is definitely the way to go. This day can mean whatever to you and your friends, but it’s important to celebrate friendships!

Family and romantic relationships are and always have been so valued in society. So, when it comes to Valentine’s day most people celebrate with significant others or family and not so much friends. Well to spice things up around the time of this upcoming Valentine’s day, ditch the boring and same old things you usually do and do something spontaneous with your best friends! Whether it’s going out to a nice dinner, doing something extravagant, or just staying in to chill, dedicate this day to living your best lives and putting each other first.

Friendships are always something I’ve prioritized and really valued. Sure, there are other days to show appreciation for your friends, but this day is to cherish your girlfriends and show each other some love you might not always show. Here’s a link below for some fun ideas to do on Galentine’s day. Make it one to count for the books!


I'm currently a sophomore and from Long Island, NY. I love fashion, food, traveling, and exploring with friends. I love researching and staying on top of the latest trends and keeping up with the news!