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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

1: It’s okay to take things slow

Be it in regards to relationships or adjusting to any new situation, gauging how you feel should take as long as you need. You know yourself best, so don’t let the pressure of time get in the way of your personal analysis of where you’re at.  

2: Document, document, document

You’re happy? Remember that shit. Write it down, take pictures, film your friends. Being in the moment is important, but sometimes using the technology we have to help us remember the moments that make life worth living. It’s easy to forget your happiness, it always seems to stick around a lot less than sadness; so help yourself by documenting the happy moments. 

3: Stop saving things for special occasions

What are you waiting for? Special things are what make occasions special, so use them. If you have something that holds value for you, use it. Eat take out on your fine china, drink that expensive bottle of wine, write in that journal, use that palette, start that scrapbook, open that paint. You want to live knowing you used every opportunity you had to be happy. 

4: Keep track of what you eat

Everyone finds themselves struggling with food from time to time, whether you eat too much or not enough, you’re not alone. Writing down what you eat in a day helps you be conscious of your habits and can aid in changing them if need be. They can also help you stay rational, for example, if you feel like you’re unhealthy but you are eating good food, seeing the evidence of this is helpful. 

5: Take opportunities when they come, but don’t be afraid to say no to them too

Life doesn’t often give out freebies, but sometimes it does. Doors are going to open for you and it’s ultimately your choice whether or not you’re going to take advantage of them. It’s important to know yourself and know what you want, and if you get an opportunity to try something you’re interested in, take it. In the same vein, however, don’t be afraid to say no to things that don’t align with what you know makes you happy.

6: Live life for what it is: fleeting 

Live outside your comfort zone, try new things, make decisions that the person looking back on you will be happy you made. The minute you’re born you start dying, and as dark as it sounds, it’s important to remember. So don’t waste time. Do what makes you happy, 

7: Never give someone power over you 

You are the only one who can make your decisions. When you forfeit your self-control, you lose everything. 

8: It’s okay to take a break 

You won’t do your best if you don’t feel your best. If you’re running on empty and your mind is going in circles, take a break. There is no shame in resting. In fact, it is necessary if you want to succeed. 

9: If you hate games, stop playing them 

The best way to avoid the social games that constrict and stress you out is to simply stop dignifying them with your cooperation. Stop waiting to send texts so you don’t seem “desperate,” stop “testing” people, stop pretending and faking. If you want people to be real and straight-forward with you, do the same to them.

10: You don’t need to broadcast your insecurities 

Sometimes it feels like the only way to validate your struggle is through external feedback. However, you have to remember that you are capable of giving yourself the validation you seek. You know what you want to hear, so tell it to yourself. Telling lots of people about your struggles and/or posting about them online might make you feel worse since you’re spending time wallowing in it. 

11: You are worthy of people’s time 

Ask for what you need, and allow yourself to receive help. If people give you their time, accept it. Allow yourself to feel like you are of value.

12: Fate is BS, write your own destiny 

Nobody can tell you who you’re going to be. So do what you think is right, l and if it doesn’t work out, try something else. Your life is yours alone. Create an existence that you want to experience. You determine where you go in this world, nobody else. 

13: Throw stuff out (or donate) 

If you won’t take it from me, take it from Marie Kondo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUBIxs6e2JU

14: Don’t let your loneliness be your own fault

It’s easy to get caught up in your own fears. Sometimes it feels like a better option to sit alone rather than face the crowd. Sometimes you choose to stay home just because you’re scared to go out. But if you don’t want to sit alone, if you want to go out, if you want to push yourself, you have to make that executive decision. Yes, it is scary, but no one can push you as you can. If you want friends, put yourself out there, don’t just close yourself off and wait for people to come to you. 

15: Conditioner is not a good substitute for shaving cream

There’s not a whole lot else for that one. I thought I could save money, but I got the worst razor burn. Learn from my mistakes.

16: Invest in comfy bedding

Having a comfortable bed is the best thing. It helps me want to go to bed earlier, and sleep through the night. It makes me feel cozy and warm inside. It is a seriously worthwhile investment for anyone who struggles with sleep. And even if you don’t, having a space that you love can help you feel at home.  

17: Take physical care of yourself

When you are in shape, you feel better about yourself. Getting outside every day is so good for you. It will help keep you fit, you will get vitamin D, you’ll breathe fresh air, and trust me your body will thank you. Eat food that’s good for you and makes you happy. Don’t skip sleep. Nothing is more important than your health. 


Overall, remember that you are in control. Live your life how you want to, and learn from your mistakes. 

Ali is the social media manager for the Buffalo chapter of Her Campus. She is a Political Science major with an affinity for crooked media podcasts and bad movies. She hopes she will one day learn how to take care of plants.