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Into The Rush – A White Water Rafting Experience

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

On Sunday, September 11th, 2011 about 40 Buffalo State students took a daring adventure to Letchworth, New York for the bi-annual United Students Government sponsored white water rafting trip. After an hour and a half drive, a lesson in safety and river management, and a tutorial on the basics of rafting, we were off and running (more so paddling) down a 5-mile stretch of the northeast’s version of the grand canyon. Beautiful rock formations, serene landscapes and even a waterfall awaited us. The trip was a once in a lifetime experience for anyone willing to work together to maneuver their raft downstream.

           (from left to right; Travis Emmons, April Baptiste-Brown, Elaine Henriquez, April Benitez)

Personally, I would recommend it to anyone for as this was my second time attending, the experience changes every year. Even for those who are reluctant to do something viewed
as intimidating to most, you never know what marvels await you when you take that leap into the rush.

Sherrell Gaillard is a senior Media Production/Journalism dual major at SUNY Buffalo State College. She is from Brooklyn NY and she loves to set her hands on anything creative and inspiring. Her likes include but not limited to reading, photography and writing to her novels on her spare time.