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Picking A Major, As Told By “Pirates of the Caribbean”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Choosing a major is daunting. Scary, even. After all, this is your future we’re talking about. Your career, your life. What you’re doing should ultimately be what makes you happy – that’s everyone’s goal, right? To be happy? Okay, maybe you want to make a little money, too. Live in a nice house, raise a few kids, maybe write a book. It’s all up to you. You’re in the driver’s seat.

This is your life. Be bold, be adventurous. Kind of like our favorite pirate, Jack Sparrow.

Oh, wait…

There should be a “Captain” in there somewhere.

1.) “What’s your major?” It’s the first thing everyone – peers, family members, employers – always ask you. And if you don’t have an answer, if you’re Undeclared…well. They look a little concerned.

It’s not very nice.

2.) Oh, and think you’re safe if you do have a major? Ha, nice try. They’ll still get you with: “Well, what do you want to do? Everybody wants to know – you’re a hot commodity, after all. A rising star. Try and distract them with a winning smile – it might work.

And if it doesn’t…well. Do what Jack does: kick back, relax. Have a drink. It might be Buffalo, and it might be snowing – but dang it, you still know how to have a good time.

3.) So, we’re back to being listed as Undeclared. You poor souls, facing the world alone… 

Kidding. Really, we’re kidding. You know what rocks about being Undeclared? You get all of your general required classes out of the way. All of them. Score. Shoo, Gen. Eds., shoo.

4.) You get to listen to how great everyone else’s major is. Even if you really don’t want to.

5.) Everyone tries to recruit you to join their major. You, of course, do your best to listen politely.

6.) You suffer through all kinds of dull, long conversations. In fact, everyone tries to give you advice. The truth is, you really don’t want to hear it. 

6.) You go so far as to make unexpected, dramatic escapes whenever anyone starts to bring it up.

7.) You meet up with your advisor to discuss next semester’s schedule. They ask: “So, have you picked a major yet?” Meanwhile, you’re just like:

8.) Sometimes, you just want to go into your best friend’s major – so the two of you can have every class together.

9.) But all of your friends have other friends…friends they met inside their majors. You don’t always know what to say to a bunch of Psychology students, and a lot of the Math Education majors don’t think your jokes are funny…

10.) Sometimes, you’ll overhear a younger brother or sister talking about their plans for college. They already have a major picked out – already have a career picked out. “What?”

11.) Your advisor is still pestering you to pick a major. They want you to hurry.

You feel pressured. So, you shoot them this look:

12.) All eyes are on you, but you play it cool.

Picking a major is hard. It’s not something to take lightly – sure, it can be changed, but chances are, you’re going to put a lot of time and effort into it. Make sure it’s something that makes you happy. Do what you love. Take a page from Jack’s book, and live life to the fullest – go on adventures, see the world…just, try to limit your plundering to a minimum, okay? We don’t encourage thievery around here.

If you are an Undeclared student – sit back and relax. Don’t let anyone rush you into a decision you’re not ready to make. It’s your life. 

You’re the Captain, after all.