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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Alton Brown will be at Buffalo State talking about the one thing he knows a lot about FOOD! on April 11th at 7pm!!!

Take back the Night will be happening April 4th at 7 pm disscussing the prevention of campus violence and the awarness of the rape of college women at Rockwell Hall. Free for all!

Runway 5.0 will be happening April 21st at 3 pm & 7 pm showcasing Buffalo State student’s fashionable designs to the Buffalo community.  Tickets are $15 for students, $20 for general admission and there is a VIP ticket listing at a $100 for the 7pm showing.  You can purchase the tix at Wegmans or on campus.

Kimberly Drummond is a senior Public Communication major at SUNY Buffalo State College. Being from Brooklyn, NY she always had a love for city lights. She enjoys writing, reading, photography, and the occasional curling up to a glossy fashion magazine now and then.