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Leslie Sanchez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Hey Buff State Peeps! We have one of our own contributing writers as this weeks campus cutie! Get to know a little bit about her and if you see her around campus say hey!


Name– Leslie Sanchez 

Age– 22 

Class status– Senior 

Major– I’m majoring in mathematics education grades 7-12, but I also have a minor in speech as well as deviance. 

Zodiac Sign– Aries  

Relationship status– Single  

Quote to live by– “Pain is temporary, but pride is forever” and “God, grant me the serenity; to accept the things I cannot change; The courage, to change the things I can; And the wisdom, to know the difference.” 

If you could have any superpower what would it be– The coolest superpower I could ever think to have would be either telekinesis or super speed. I just feel like I could truly conquer the world with either skills as well as get everything on my to-do list done.

Favorite food– Absolutely, anything Italian. 

Favorite movie– It has to be a cross between Grease and any Batman movie. There’s something about a musical and a dark hero that speaks to my soul. 

Favorite sport– I guess  my favorite sport would be football, but I’m not really anything in particular.  

Ideal guy– My ideal man would be someone who knows what he wants out of life and has the confidence, and drive to go get it. He would also have a sense of humor about life so there’s never a dull moment. 

Ideal date – My ideal date would be a night out on the town filled with laughter and food.   

One interesting fact about yourself- I am 100% Puerto Rican who can’t really speak a lick of Spanish or cook food like my family, but I’m in a Latina based sorority called Sigma Lambda Upsilon/ Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Incorporated; they irony of it all. 

Social Media Accounts: Instagram: @teorica_2, Facebook: Leslie Sanchez, twitter: @LeslieSanchez32

 Brittany Windham is a Senior at Buffalo State College in Buffalo, NY. She is studying Fashion Design with a concentration in Apparel Design. She is a New York City native with a love for the arts and anything that allows her to express her creativity. She is a published poet and a member of the Chi Alpha Epsilon Honors Society. She has worked alongside artist, designers, and students in New York City to promote environmental awareness through art with her participation in Digital Day Camp through the Eyebeam team. She is currently a member of the Orange Crush team on her campus and she one day aspires to have her own online store which recycles and reuses old accessories and clothing to create new ones.