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Josef Rivera ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Name: Josef Paul Rivera

Class Status: Senior

Graduation Year: Class of 2015

Age: 21

Major: Chemistry, minoring in astronomy

Quote to live by: “Hakuna matata”

If you could have any super power what would it be? Telekinesis


HC Buff State: Who is your biggest inspiration?

Josef: My biggest inspiration is my mom 

HC Buff State: What have been some of your best and worst experiences while attending buff state?

Josef: Best experience at buff state was time spent with the boys and the worst experience was losing my wallet, 3 times!

HC Buff State: How has Buff State helped you?

Josef: Buff state has helped me mature into the bright sighted young man I am today 

HC Buff State: What things have you done or organizations are you a part of on campus and what have you learned from them?

Josef: I’ve played lacrosse with the buff state club, and I learned how to prioritize. 

HC Buff State” What do you plan to do after you graduate?

Josef: After I graduate I hope to dive into many internships in my field to learn where I want to specialize and work toward eventually opening my own barbershop. 

HC Buff State: What advice do you have for women here at buff state?

Josef: My advice to the ladies who attend buff state is not to do anything your parents wouldn’t be proud of or that you wouldn’t want your kid doing in the future, don’t be in a rush to “act grown”, and take the time out to find yourself as a respectable woman, not a girl who needs male attention.



All of us here at Her Campus Buff State wish Josef all the best of luck on all his future endeavours. 

 Brittany Windham is a Senior at Buffalo State College in Buffalo, NY. She is studying Fashion Design with a concentration in Apparel Design. She is a New York City native with a love for the arts and anything that allows her to express her creativity. She is a published poet and a member of the Chi Alpha Epsilon Honors Society. She has worked alongside artist, designers, and students in New York City to promote environmental awareness through art with her participation in Digital Day Camp through the Eyebeam team. She is currently a member of the Orange Crush team on her campus and she one day aspires to have her own online store which recycles and reuses old accessories and clothing to create new ones.