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He Lives In The Towers But He Creeps In Perry (When Upperclassmen Prey On Freshman Collegiettes)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

I remember the first time I came up with this title for the name of a program for the Pan-African Student Organization at Buffalo State College. Everyone thought “Sigourney this is pretty out there for PASO” and I said I know but “People will come out to program because so many know that this is true”. Buffalo State College has some of the most diverse groups of people I know and yet we all know what I mean when I say someone is “creeping”.

As an active member of my campus community I am always running around campus, as a University Police Student Assistant and a Paraprofessional in a freshmen dorm I have caught many in the act of  “Creeping”. According to the Urban Dictionary, the art of creeping is the act of sleeping with another person while already going out with/being married to someone. I would like to add on sleeping with someone who you are not in a relationship with and would still like to keep that fact that you guys are having sexual intercourse quiet.

Upperclassmen often use their seniority to get into the heads of the “Fresh meat” (freshman) on campus. These young girls and men (for all the cougars out there) get so caught up in the fact that  “He/She is older that means he/she is wiser and more mature. He wont break my heart like someone my age would”. WRONG! When he/she breaks your heart it would be worse because you put him/her on this pedestal upon which he/she didn’t deserve to stand. Don’t get caught up in what he/she is (Greek or Athlete), get caught up in who he/she is (personal qualities that make getting to know him worth while). Get to know the person you are “creeping” with and then maybe you wouldn’t have to creep in the first place you could have been in a genuinely happy relationship with someone that really cares about you.

Here are a few ways to avoid being caught in a “Creeping” situation:

1. Don’t get into casual sex relationships.
2. Really get to know the person.
3. Don’t get people in the habit of “Booty” calling you (Anything after 11 is considered booty call hours).
4. Get the CampusFax (its like a carfax) do a search on the individual you would be shocked what you may find out.
5. People only treat you how you show them you want to be treated. Have respect for yourself before you demand respect from others.

Last but not least. If you’re going to creep, creep responsibly! Wrap it up, don’t become a campus statistic.


Kimberly Drummond is a senior Public Communication major at SUNY Buffalo State College. Being from Brooklyn, NY she always had a love for city lights. She enjoys writing, reading, photography, and the occasional curling up to a glossy fashion magazine now and then.