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Girl Code: Cuffing Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Hey Ladies!

Everyone knows winter time is coming around fairly quickly, and if you’re like many women are around this time, SINGLE, you’ve probably gotten a few of those “I miss you”, “You’re a stranger”, “You don’t love me anymore”, text messages from guys you haven’t spoken to in quite a while. We all know why these oh so endearing messages are starting to come about…CUFFING SEASON!

For those of you who don’t know what “cuffing season” is, it’s a term created to define the splurge of people that get in to relationships during the winter time.

Now ladies beware, a lot of these calls and text messages you’re getting from previous lovers that you weren’t getting during the summer and spring time could be for the simple fact that he wants to put in his bid to have someone he can snuggle up with all winter long. If he isn’t genuinely trying to commit then this reunited romance will probably only last as long as the winter time, at the max up till spring (I kid you not ladies, some guys do operate this way). If you don’t want to end up just a winter time fling be aware of who you’re dealing with and what their motives has been prior. If they only ever rekindle the relationship during the winter time then he is a firm “cuffing season” player but if he seems genuine don’t just dismiss him, he could be the one!

So the girl code advice for “cuffing season” is know who you’re dealing with and beware of their relationship motives after winter is over.


(Image retrieved from: http://aleechery.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-allure-of-cuffing-season.html)

 Brittany Windham is a Senior at Buffalo State College in Buffalo, NY. She is studying Fashion Design with a concentration in Apparel Design. She is a New York City native with a love for the arts and anything that allows her to express her creativity. She is a published poet and a member of the Chi Alpha Epsilon Honors Society. She has worked alongside artist, designers, and students in New York City to promote environmental awareness through art with her participation in Digital Day Camp through the Eyebeam team. She is currently a member of the Orange Crush team on her campus and she one day aspires to have her own online store which recycles and reuses old accessories and clothing to create new ones.