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Curbing My Addiction with a Substitute?! Ex on My Mind: Sabby to the Rescue

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

I have been dating my current boyfriend for a few months now.  He makes me really happy but there times when my ex (who I broke up with six months ago) pops in my head.  I sometimes look through my ex’s profile to see what he is up to and secretly hope that he still wants me back and even think of leaving my boyfriend to go back with him!  Does that make me a bad person?  What do I do?

  Angie, May I give you a song suggestion beore you read my advice???

            No, you are not a bad person, it’s common to think of your ex from time to time and reminisce.  Your ex may still be in your head because there may be some unfinished business you two have, perhaps a fight still not resolved or awkwardness still there.  It has only been six months so I would look closely at the relationship you have with this new guy and see if it’s worth pursuing further.  If not, break it off, not to go back with your ex but to move on your own and get over him.  However, if you do see something worth fighting for with this new boyfriend, pursue it.  Talk with your ex, casually, and see how one another is doing so that you have some relief and are able to move on with your new guy.  Just make sure the conversation between you and your ex stays casual, no use in hurting someone who doesn’t deserve it.

Good luck!