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Collegiette’s Guide To Beauty: Skin Care

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Ok Collegiettes, when it comes to beauty the truth is its definitely skin deep. In order to keep our healthy glow, we must be sure to eat right, stay fit and of course take care of our skin. Here are some tips to skin care.

Tip #1 Drink lots of Water
Water is the only thing that can keep you hydrated, and guess what? Your body needs water more than anything. Skip soft drinks and soda that contain high levels of sugar and acid which can lead to break outs or dull looking skin. Make sure that you drink at least 6 cups of water a day.

Tip #2 Create a Skin Care Regiment

As college students we all are busy trying to ace the semester as well as stay involved on campus through extracurricular activities. It may be easy to just fall out when you get back to your dorm room and forget to maintain your daily skin care regiment. Try not to. Always be sure to cleanse your skin from impurities of the day’s activities. If your skin is acne prone, this is even more important to keep from breaking out. Next follow with a toner. Its not 100% necessary to use toner, however it does help in removing dirt, oil and residue that your cleanser may have left behind. The next step is to moisturize. For the day time, always use a moisturizer with sunscreen. I use, Ambi Essentials Daily moisturizing cream. For bedtime use a night cream, like Burt’s Bees Radiance night cream.

Tip #3 Exfoliate

Exfoliate your skin at least three times a week to remove dead skin cells  You can use any facial scrubs that you’d like. My favorites are Clean and Clear’s Morning Burst line of products and Biore’s Even Smoother Microderm Exfoliator.

Tip #4 Keep Your Hands to Yourself
Do you remember when you were little and your parent would tell you to keep you hands to yourself? How does this apply to skin care? Well, our hands touch so many things during the day, door knobs, computer keys, elevator buttons… Could you imagine how much bacteria is on your hands at any given moment? All of those germs just may end up in your pores! Basically don’t touch your face unless it is absolutely necessary.  As a person with very sensitive skin, I’ve learned this fact the hard way.

Tip #5 Wash pillowcases often
This seems like a weird tip however if you’re a collegiette who loves to style your hair with hair spray, natural oils and hair lotions then you’ll know that your pillow case can end up with the residue of all those products when you go to sleep at night. Since your face is on the pillowcase all night, it would be best to keep it as clean as possible!

Sherrell Gaillard is a senior Media Production/Journalism dual major at SUNY Buffalo State College. She is from Brooklyn NY and she loves to set her hands on anything creative and inspiring. Her likes include but not limited to reading, photography and writing to her novels on her spare time.