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College Through the Eyes of An Introvert

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

For some people, college isn’t all about partying. For some people, it’s all about staying in, if you can believe it. It’s hard being an introvert in college, especially when everyday you’re pushed to be better than the day before. It’s hard when there are presentations to give, groups to choose, partners to pick, and that dreaded class participation grade to face. When you’re quiet, you like quiet. You enjoy the library, the fireside lounge in the Union – places where you can kick back, pop in your earbuds, and listen to some music between classes. Maybe you’ll pull a book out of your backpack, or maybe you prefer playing games on your phone. Whatever it is, us introverts need to stick together. Separately. Because the rest of the world just doesn’t get us. 

This is college through the eyes of an introvert. It’s what we face every single day. AKA – what it’s like when hermits are forced to leave home.

1.) You take forever to get ready, because you just don’t want to leave your space.

You spend an extra ten minutes in bed, scrolling through your social media – because that still counts as social interaction, right?

2.) You live for comfort.

Once you manage to climb out of your cozy bed, you face the daunting task of picking out something to wear. What will it be? You might spend twenty minutes rifling through your closet, only to pull out that favorite sweatshirt. Why? Because it’s comfy. Like the bed you’re forced to leave. Sure, you’ll face the world. But you’ll face it at your own pace.

3.) You dread dealing with other people. 

When you’re finally able to leave, you’ll be faced with the unimaginable: other people. Crowded sidewalks, cramped hallways, and stuffed classrooms…and introvert’s worst nightmare. All the chattering, the bumping elbows – it drives you nuts. But you keep quiet. Why? Because you’re a hermit. So long as they don’t invade your personal space too much.

4.) You prefer sitting in the back of the room.

So, you made it to class. Only to find out someone took your seat in the back corner, took it like a common criminal. Now, you’re forced to take a seat in the front.

5.) You hate class participation with a flaming passion.

Class starts, and everything is going smoothly. So far. Until the professor starts to make eye contact. Like, she’s not looking away; she’s looking right at you, waiting for an answer, a nod, something. And what do you do? Stare at your notes, shuffle your feet, break out in a nervous sweat. Sure, you know the answer she’s looking for – but you also have a doodle to finish and you’ve answered your question for the day. Boom. Class participation, simple as that.

6.) You want to run when your professor says: “Find a partner” or “Get in groups.” 

These are some of the worst things we introverts hear over the course of a day. Why partners, why groups? We function just as well on our own, thank you very much. In fact, we do better flying solo. Chances are, if your professor has instigated this horror, you’re sinking in you chair, glancing around furtively for a friend, an acquaintance – someone you’ve had a class with before. Because, you know, stranger danger.

7.) You hate the old “switcheroo.”

You know that moment, when you’ve finally found a partner, and the two of you are just starting to chat? It’s fine. You’re telling yourself, “I can do this. Just a few more minutes,” when the professor says, “Okay, time to switch! Find a new person to talk to, someone you don’t know!”

8.) Outwardly, you’re trying to act like a normal, cheerful human being.

Maybe smiling isn’t your strong suit, but A for effort. Relating with people is hard sometimes.

9.) You all but skip out of class when it’s all over and done with.

Somehow, you manage to survive class. We’re not sure how, but you did it, and oh, does freedom taste sweet. You’re home free – no, literally, you’re going back home. As soon as you can.