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7 Times We Felt Like Leonardo DiCaprio in “The Revenant”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

***SPOILER WARNING: If you haven’t seen The Revenant yet, you might want to skip this article.***

“The struggle is real” – how many times have you heard that said? It’s true, college is a struggle. It’s a real jungle here at Buff State; we live by the law of the land here, it’s survival of the fittest. Eat or be eaten. Do or die.


Maybe we’re being a little dramatic. 

But we get it. School is hard; we’re dealing with little to no sleep, ridiculous amounts of caffiene, constant stress…the list goes on. So maybe we can sort of understand what Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Hugh Glass dealt with in 2015’s The Revenant. 

1.) That first Monday after spring break, we all felt like we’d been mauled by a bear.

2.) Trudging to your first class felt a lot like stumbling through the wilderness. You’re alone, confused, and exhausted.

3.) You’re tired. All. The. Time.


4.) A lot of the time, you try to run away from your responsibilities…

And then you realize that was a horrible, horrible decision.

6.) You start to realize it’s nearing the end of the semester, and you have a ton to accomplish.

7.) Finals are coming, and you feel like you’re going to war.

So, what’s our advice to you? Carry your responsibilities like a champ.

See that look of determination? That’s how you should look. Know why?

Because, in the end, Leo walked away with the Oscar. He’s a survivor – and so are you.

That’s right, smile. You’re a winner.