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5 Tips For Being Less Stressed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

I know it’s about that time of the year when everything seems to be getting crazy stressful! 

You feel like all your professors got together and came up with this plan to all give exams, papers, projects and presentations at the exact same time just to screw you up! Trust me, I get it and I 100% feel your struggle! I have a few tips that might help you during this stressful time.


One trick to get through stressful times that helps me a lot is to get my work done early. I’ll be honest I don’t always follow this but when I do I like to leave from my last class of the week and head straight to the library and get to work so I can at least knock out a few assignments and have less to worry about over the weekend.


A second trick to get me through stressful times is shopping. I know shopping doesn’t resolve the reasons you may be stressed but for me it makes me happy and eases my mind for a brief moment until I get back to my work load. 


A third trick to get me through stressful times is to workout. There’s something about working out or doing yoga that tends to clear my mind up of a lot of stressful feelings.


A fourth trick that gets me through stressful times to sleep. Try getting in more naps or going to sleep earlier so you aren’t as exhausted, and cranky when you have loads of things to get done.


A final thing that really helps me to re;ease stress is talking to people. When I’m really stressed I like to call my mom and just unload all my worries and usually she gives me great calming words of wisdom and shows me that I’m not the only one stressed and that’ll get better!


So those are my tips to being less stressed for you guys, hope they can help you during this crazy times!


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 Brittany Windham is a Senior at Buffalo State College in Buffalo, NY. She is studying Fashion Design with a concentration in Apparel Design. She is a New York City native with a love for the arts and anything that allows her to express her creativity. She is a published poet and a member of the Chi Alpha Epsilon Honors Society. She has worked alongside artist, designers, and students in New York City to promote environmental awareness through art with her participation in Digital Day Camp through the Eyebeam team. She is currently a member of the Orange Crush team on her campus and she one day aspires to have her own online store which recycles and reuses old accessories and clothing to create new ones.