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Your Fall To-Do List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

It’s officially fall, which obviously means cute boots, scarves, and sweaters! But what’s the point of getting all dressed up if you’ve got no where to go? If you’re as excited for fall as I am you’ve probably already given this some thought, but if not don’t worry – I’ve managed to perfect my fall to-do list for 2012 and mama always taught me to share.

Newbury Street
Obviously this one’s a given – a brisk 15 minute walk away from campus with the girls leads you to hundreds of stores perfect for stocking up on winter goodies while the weather is still bearable. Light exercise and new cute clothes? Count me in. The walk there is beautiful to start, and will probably be twice as gorgeous once the leaves start to change. Did I mention I love fall?

Everyone loves frozen yogurt, but will you love it two months from now when it’s so cold you can barely manage to get out of bed? And now, as if you didn’t have enough incentive already, Pinkberry is right on campus (hello, they take dining points!), so the trip there doesn’t have to be a big extravaganza. Grab your favorite scarf, a blanket, and your best friend and hit up Pinkberry at the GSU before heading to the BU beach to relax for an hour or two after class. Perfection. 

The Paramount
Looking for a fabulous place for Sunday morning brunch? Well, you’ve found it. A Boston area favorite since 1937, The Paramount is simply to die for. Not only is everything cooked fresh right in front of you, but what seems like a never ending list of choices is every foodaholic’s dream. What better a way to start off a long day full of studying than with a gourmet breakfast? If you’re still not convinced, just look at these girls faces… I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s to die for.

Boston Common
Imagine a pond surrounded by trees of all colors, overlooking a perfect view of the city, and you’ve landed yourself in the Boston Common. Complete serenity perfect for studying for that huge test, getting ahead on homework, or simply taking time to yourself on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Sure, you can study anywhere, but nothing beats fall leaves, cool weather, and a little break from the hustle and bustle of campus. So, bundle up – blankets, books, and Starbucks in hand – and head to the Common before you miss all the fun of studying in the fall (yes, it’s now possible).

L.A. Burdick
Hot Chocolate in Harvard Square Literally heaven in a cup. If you’re a true chocolate lover (guilty!) you need to check this place out. The chocolate is so rich it tastes like you’re drinking pure chocolate straight out of a cup – if that’s not perfection, I don’t know what is. Needless to say, I’m a little bit obsessed. Not to mention it’s right in Harvard Square – yay, more shopping! Disclaimer: a strong combination of rich chocolate and lots of shopping may cause an enhanced state of euphoria, with a teensy bit of guilt. Be advised.

So now it’s time to break out the scarves and slip on your boots, because whether you’re grabbing Pinkberry after class or spending a day shopping with the girls, you should always make sure you’re doing it in perfect fall style.

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