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Your Cure to Obsessive Celebrity-Tweeting Disorder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Bieber fever? One Direction infection? There have always been obsessions with celebrities, but lately it has been taken to a whole other level. Girls, and also some guys, write ridiculous tweets about the celebrities that they are obsessed with. These tweets became so intense, that they needed to be shared. If I were a hot and charismatic celebrity, I would increase my security after these comments. I hope that my rants are not offending in anyway.

“Hyperventilating looking at Justin Bieber. Jump on top of me please you are so sexy. I can’t take it any longer.”

  • I am sorry; Justin Bieber is not “sexy”. He looks like a baby and he should be called “cute” instead. Even if this were talking about Channing Tatum, why are you asking him to jump on top of you? This is twitter people, be classy.

“If you placed Justin Bieber on top of me for 2 minutes I would be in jail”

  • Why would anyone in their right state of mind make this statement? You are an 18 year-old girl. What can you possible be doing that will get you in jail? Calm down please; this is embarrassing.

“I would do anything to go on a date with Alessandra, Candace, or Miranda. I would treat you like a princess. Beautiful isn’t even the word.”

  • Now this tweet is obviously from a guy during the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. So, is he not allowed to treat us, normal girls, like princesses? Why only the amazingly gorgeous ones? I do not understand his reasoning.

“Ugh so awkward Ryan Gosling calls me all day long and tells me how much he loves dating me.”

  • Girls are in some type of alternate universe. Stop pretending that you are in love with, and even speak to, these people. It’s getting old now.

“I am so proud of my boys they honestly deserve everything that they have. I love them more than anything and I will always support them no matter what they did it!!!”

  • This nice quote was written by a girl on Instagram under a picture of One Direction. I am sorry they are not your boys. You had nothing to do with their success or achievements. They do not care how proud you are.
Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."