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Why Even Bother with Long Distance?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

By: Kirthana Iyer

My first week at BU I got told multiple times, “Oh my gosh, you and your boyfriend are like, so cute. Don’t you miss him?” Well yes, Tiffany, I do. THANKS FOR BRINGING IT UP. So, by now, you have probably guessed that I’m in a long-distance relationship. My boyfriend and I have been dating for about eight months and I can honestly say, I’ve never been happier.

Photo Credit: Kirthana Iyer

But, he is also in California.

Which is very far.

And an eight-hour flight.

And a three hour time difference.

Yay. It’s great. -_-

“So Kir, why do you do it?”

Well, I’ll tell you why. 


1. Pro: You get to be with someone you love.

Photo Credit: Kirthana Iyer

Honestly, there is nothing like coming back to my dorm to an “I love you” text when I am super sad or stressed. Even if I’m sick or I just get overwhelmed, I can always count on my guy to be there for me emotionally. And that’s everything when you are a struggling college kid juggling classes and clubs and internships.

2. Con: Time zones are the worst things that were ever created. 

If you’re as unlucky as me, you and your S.O. have a time difference. For me, it’s 3 hours behind. So that means when I wake up in the morning, he’s still asleep and when I’m going to sleep, he’s just about to eat dinner. Life. Is. Great.

3. Pro: You can talk about literally anything. 

Photo Credit: Kirthana Iyer

Because you’re so far away from each other, hearing ANY element about your SO’s day is amazing and totally amusing. Like right now, my boyfriend is trying this whole vegan thing and I am so invested in hearing about it because it’s something that happens when I’m not there. And hearing about it kinda makes you feel like you’re there? In a weird way?

4. Con: Seeing. Any. Other. Couple. On. Campus. Is. Death. 

If I could get a nickel for every time I have seen a couple make out on campus, I could pay my freshman year tuition. Seeing other couples on campus makes me so irritated and annoying to all my friends. I’m pretty sure it’s because I miss being the couple that made other people irritated and annoying, but oh well. Yay long distance.

5. Pro: You value each other so much more. 

Photo Credit: Kirthana Iyer

I can’t stress this enough. I valued my boyfriend so much back home, but being away from him has made me realize how much I love him. It’s this newfound appreciation you have for your S.O. because they are so far. Whatever moments you get with them, you cherish.

6. Con: You are going to be kinda clingy about your call time. 

HAPPENS TO EVERYONE. TOTALLY NATURAL. YOU’RE ALLOWED TO BE. Just realize that if he’s at a family event and can’t take your call, he or she doesn’t hate you. And you got to convince yourself of that every single time your S.O. doesn’t pick up the call.

7. Pro: Friend time has increased. 

Photo Credit: The Odyssey 

You are away from home and you have this glorious new group of friends. Take the time and really get to know people. You have all this extra time even after doing all your work. Use it and go have some fun!

8. Con: Missing the other person :( 

All my friends can attest to this: it is week 3 in college and I already cried because I missed my boyfriend. It’s totally natural, but also the sucky part of long distance. Your best friend is so far away and you miss holding their hand or giving them a kiss or even just laughing with them.

Long distance is really what you make of it. Some see it as an ending, and some see it as a fresh start. As long as you’re doing it with someone you love, it’s worth it. Trust me, I’m still with my guy and he makes it totally worth it.

So for all your long distance lovers, I hope this is incredibly relatable. So, YES TIFFANY, I do miss him, but I hope this shows you why we long distancers stick with it. :)


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Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.