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Top 9 TV couples of the 90’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


Three of my most favourite things are: the 90’s, Primetime TV and love. This article manages to encompass all three of them with my list of what I considered nine of the cutest TV couples from the 90s. This was a mammoth undertaking. Do you know how many cute couples there were in 90’s TV? Anyways, I hope this article induces you with the same blissful feeling of nostalgia it did me and you can spend your weekend being a loser (like me) watching reruns of these on Netflix. Trust me, best weekend I had in weeks.


  1. Saved by the Bell

So I’m about to be super controversial but I don’t care; I’m going with Jessie and Slater over Kelly and Zach. Don’t get me wrong, Zach and Kelly were adorable and I loved their on-and-off romance but, Jessie and Slater have always had a special place in my heart. I’ve always thought the whole yin-yang thing they had going on was super cute. You know, he was the brawn, she was the brains; she was a vegetarian feminist and he was a meat and potatoes jock and yet somehow they managed to make it work and it was beautiful to watch. Besides I know I’m not the only one who swooned every time he called her “mama”.


  1. Beverly Hills 90210

This is particularly hard because everyone dated everyone in this show, literally. We have Dylan & Brenda, Brandon & Kelly, Dylan & Kelly, Donna & David and then a million other minor couples so it’s really a matter of personal preference. Nevertheless I’m going to go with Dylan and Kelly. Something about their love just felt the most real to me, plus they were gorgeous together. On another note, has anyone else realized that basically none of the couples on this show have worked out? Seriously, I though David and Donna were safe but in the 90210 remake it’s revealed that they aren’t together anymore either. I swear it’s like that zip code is cursed…


  1. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

I know what you’re thinking; what couple could there possibly be in this show when Will was dating a different girl every episode, Carlton had no girlfriends to speak of and Hilary was mostly in love with herself. However, there is one couple that stands out in particular and that is Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv. For one thing, they are the definition of power couple; I mean a professor and a judge? How could it possibly get any more powerful than that? Furthermore, the bond between these two is rock solid. I also really love the backstory of both characters, Viv was a high school dropout and Phil was an impoverished farm boy who left home at 16. Both their stories and their love are incredibly inspiring.


  1. Full House

No question about it, Jesse and Rebecca take the prize for cutest couple on this show hands down. Something about their love was so natural and easy-going; watching these two was like a breath of fresh air. Becky was Jesse’s rock through all his ups and downs; she supported him with his dream of being a rock star and was there for him when it didn’t work out. I really think Jesse’s character experienced significant growth after he became romantically involved with Becky. Her addition to the Tanner clan gave the girls the mother figure they desperately needed.


  1. Friends

A lot of people are going to get mad at this but I’m just going to go ahead and say it: I do not think Ross and Rachel were in any way a cute couple (sorry, not sorry). Feel free to disagree but for me the relationship always seemed really awkward and I guess that’s supposed to be endearing but I just found it really annoying. Monica and Chandler were way cuter in my opinion. Monica’s competitive and bossy nature perfectly complemented Chandler’s quirky and sarcastic personality and together the two made magic on the screen. Chandler always seemed to feel so lucky that someone like Monica chose him and conversely that was a great self-esteem boost for Monica who still carried a lot of baggage from being overweight as a teen.


  1. The Nanny

I absolutely loved Fran and Mr. Sheffield. It shows yet again that the better couples were the ones who complemented one another because you’ll be hard pressed to find a couple with more opposing personalities than Maxwell and Fran. On one hand we have a sassy, Jewish, New York girl complete with the big hair and loud clothing and on the other there is the distinguished, conservative British playwright and this polarity just made the chemistry between them feel more real. It was like that relationship that made so little sense that it in fact made perfect sense. Besides, half the fun of the show was watching the two try to repress the blatant sparks between them. For example, Maxwell’s face when Nanny Fine enters his office in a particularly revealing outfit or the way they almost kiss after having a heart to heart.


  1. Boy Meets World

I ship Cory and Topanga so hard. I have been waiting so long for the spinoff, Girl Meets World just so I can be reunited with the love that is Cory and Topanga. Can we stop and think about the fact that Topanga was Cory’s first kiss and they ended up getting married. Just let that sink in for a moment. Do you know how rare it is to marry your first true love? (well it’s not that rare in TV world but the point remains!) My only issue was that Cory was basically Topanga’s only romantic interest for the duration of the entire show; meanwhile Cory was able to test multiple waters. Smells a little bit like a double standard to me but it’s not enough to take away from the purity and innocence of the love story that is Cory and Topanga.


  1. Clueless

You know that couple that fights so much you’re not even sure if they actually like each other? Well that’s pretty much how you would sum up Murray and Dionne. The reason they make the list however is a direct result of their almost antagonistic relationship. Due to their constant bickering and fighting, the moments where they demonstrate exactly how much they care for each other seem that much more special. Even though Dionne is always calling Murray and idiot and Murray constantly refers to D as “woman”, you can’t help but be endeared towards them because you know that deep down “it’s all love”. Besides, lovey-dovey couples are boring! Dionne and Murray are way more entertaining to watch


  1. Sabrina the Teenage Witch

My favourite couple in this show would have to be Sabrina and Josh. I know she ended up with Harvey in the end, which was okay (I guess) cause I definitely preferred him to Aaron but I still believe she and Josh were meant to be. I really don’t know why the producers felt compelled to bring Harvey back. Honestly, can we please leave high school in high school? Josh and Sabrina’s relationship just felt the most real and we never truly got closure from it since it ended so abruptly. Josh was smart, sweet, gorgeous and not nearly as dim-witted as Harvey. Point is, she should have ended up with Josh.


Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.