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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I recently attended a last-minute Bryan Adams concert with my family a week ago and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

With that being said, here are my top five favorite ballads you should add to your playlist this week: 

“Everything I Do (I Do It For You)” – Bryan Adams 

Of course, I have to include this Bryan Adams song first. His voice has the perfect blend of raspiness and sweetness. His tone delivers the exact intensity in emotion but softness that the song needs. Even at 64, I can vouch that Adams sounds almost better than the original recording. If you are looking for a sweet love song, this is the one for you.

“Comfortably Numb” – Pink Floyd

This is one of my sister’s favorite bands and I recently got into them after watching their cover band, Brit Floyd, play live. Their pioneering of two major music movements, blues-based progressive rock and psychedelic space rock was revolutionary, and their stark political and social commentary drew crowds of support. This masterpiece is a perfect display of their talent, telling the story of a person who is in delirium and detached from reality. Give it a listen when you have a moment!

“Love Will Keep Us Alive” – Eagles

The Eagles are undoubtedly one of my favorite bands. The harmonies from the backing vocals and the sweetness of the guitar help bring to life this uplifting song. It speaks of love in a way that could be romantic or platonic, making it a song for everybody with beautiful and powerful lyrics. So, if you are looking for a song to put a bounce in your step, give this a listen.

“I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” – U2

This is another classic. Gaining popularity around the mid-80s, U2 has become one of the most renowned rock bands across the world. I love this song for its dynamic vocals, upbeat instrumentation, and its profound lyricism. The protagonist is searching for meaning and transcendence in his life, and the band does a great job of delivering that story. I would highly recommend giving it a listen!

“Still Loving You” – the Scorpions

What a great song! The Scorpions do such a great job here of working with the G# minor key to deliver a song full of pain and yearning. It’s all about fighting to win back a love you lost. The intensity delivered by the phrasing of the song coupled with powerful verses and an explosive chorus perfectly encapsulates the message. Need to get some anger out? Belt out this song! 

Shout out to my dad for all these music recommendations – he first got me into the genre when I was young and we have listened to it together for years. 

while I hope you enjoyed some of the music in this quick review, I would highly encourage you to delve further into the genre if you enjoy it! 

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Noyonika is a freshman at BU majoring in Environmental Analysis and Policy with a potential double minor in Economics and Nutrition Science. She enjoys singing, working out, and exploring the city to try new foods in her free time!