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Tall Girl Problems: Fall Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

As colder weather approaches, so do the struggles of tall girls everywhere. Stock up now on those leg warmers and long sleeves, because here are some of the problems that may arise for you, or your tall friend.

When your pants are too short that your exposed ankles become frozen when the wind blows! It’s a beautiful moment. You know what I mean? Right?

It’s that feeling you get when your face reaches just above the large bush on the sidewalk, letting all of the sideways rain come rushing in your face. #justgirlythings

When your cuddle buddy’s shoulder is two feet below where you need it to be. Figuring out where to rest your head is all a part of the fun.

When the sleeves of the jacket you borrowed from your friend are too short.

When your feet stick out at the bottom of your bed sheets.

Overall, being any height is amazing and adds to what makes you, you! Embrace your height, just maybe don’t borrow your friends jackets.

Gabrielle Oates is a sophomore at Boston University. Originally from Los Angeles, she enjoys traveling and hopes to journey around the globe and expand her world view.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.