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Stylitics: Your Digital Wardrobe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

If foursquare, Vogue, and Evernote got together and had a baby, it would be Stylitics. Thanks to Stylitics, closets have entered the digital age. This isn’t the closet that you had for your Barbie Cool Designer CD-ROM, the computer game you played on your Windows 95. By searching for or uploading photos of clothing you already own, you can organize you closet online. Although Stylitics isn’t fool proof yet, it is on to become the ultimate tool for the fashion obsessed.
            The idea behind Stylitics is that you must digitize your entire wardrobe. You can search for items on the database Stylitics already has, a combination of inventory from companies’ websites and what other users have uploaded. Then, everyday you would come to the website and “check in” your outfit. After a while, you can see which items you wear the most, which other items you usually wear them with, and how many times you’ve worn them that month.
            There are a lot of cool tools to Stylitics. There is a weather indicator right on the homepage to help you plan your outfit. You can tag items with certain connotations like “fancy” or “casual” so you can search the tag “fancy” and find something to wear to your cousin’s wedding. There is even a calendar that you can search if you really need to know what that great outfit you wore on February 22nd was.

            When I first signed up for Stylitics, I was a bit overwhelmed. The thought of finding or uploading a photo of every piece of my wardrobe on this website was daunting, and I am not even close to completing that task. It would certainty make a fun summer project. Right now, I find I have no reason to really return to the site everyday because I probably haven’t uploaded pictures of the items that make up my outfit yet. I think that Stylitics would benefit greatly from a mobile app. The ability to check-in your outfit while waiting in line for Starbucks, instead of having to turn on your computer, would make me want to use the website more. A mobile app would also make it easier to take a picture of yourself wearing the outfit, which would help to plan an outfit even better.
            Stylitics is definitely an interesting website to check out. As it is only in beta right now, I think with more advancements to the easiness of the use of the website, it can be a really great tool. At the least, it is a lot of fun.

Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."
Shelby Carignan is a sophomore at Boston University studying journalism.