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Spring Into Color!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

There’s no more playing it safe when it comes to your wardrobe this spring and summer. It’s all about color. And no, I’m not just talking about having one or two pieces that stand out in your closet. Even if you’re weary about bold colors, you can still play with different nail polish, eye shadow and lip colors. While softer, pastel colors are making it big this spring, I’m glad to see some of my favorites are here again: hot pink, emerald green and neon yellow. Some colors may seem a little drastic on your skin tone, but I urge you to at least give it a go! When you’re in your twenties, you can get away with a little more…so have fun and play with some color.
Here are some of my personal picks to add to your style:

1. Chanel nail polish in jade & jade rose $35
2. Tory Burch sandals
3. Etsy
4. Emma Stone with a bright pink lip
5. J.Crew
6. Kim Kardashian in a birght yellow blazer

Ashley Rossi is a sophomore at Boston University studying Magazine Journalism and Mass Communication. After living in a small town for most of her childhood she looked towards the city for an exciting adventure. At BU Ashley has volunteered with the Community Service Center and written for various publications, including The Buzz and College Fashionista. Her goal is to eventually run the creative department for any major fashion magazine or international design house. Ashley also blogs daily on her blog, Gossip, Chanel, and English Tea on Tumblr. In the meantime she enjoys relaxing on the beach, watching Gossip Girl and Weeds, and reading the next Lauren Weisberger novel.