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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

The temperature has finally started to rise and it looks like spring is really here. There are so many things I’m looking forward to doing. The list includes, but it not limited to: walking outside in flip-flops, doing homework on the BU beach, and watching the Red Sox. What I’m not looking forward to is spring cleaning.  With all this sun and warm weather, it’s hard to find time to clean, although it’s entirely necessary. How are you supposed to enjoy spring if you can’t find your perfect for spring sundress? I’m not sure where my favorite LF tank is, and the funky smell in my room probably has something to do with the half a Pop Tart I dropped behind my bed a few months ago. So I’ve decided to bite the bullet and do some cleaning, and you should too! Here’s my advice on how to make the process fun (or at least tolerable).

  1. Find a buddy. Unexciting chores are always more bearable if you have a friend with you. If you share a room, ask your roommate to help you out for an afternoon. You’ll get things done in half the time and it will be way more fun.
  2. Pace yourself. Caesar didn’t clean up Rome in a day, and the same goes for you and your room. Break up your cleaning into smaller chunks and it wont be as painful. Do laundry one day, then organize your desk and closet the next.
  3. Out with the old, in with the new. Spring is a perfect time to reassess your wardrobe. Take a note from Tim Gunn and separate your clothes into four piles: keep, repair, give away, throwaway. See if your friends want your old clothes, or donate them to Goodwill.
  4. Make a playlist. You’d be surprised at how motivating music can be. It’s nice to have background noise when cleaning, but TV can be too much of a distraction. Choose upbeat music to help speed up your cleaning pace. Here’s a short (and random) playlist to get you started: Cuddle Fuddle, Passion Pit
    Born This Way, Lady Gaga 
    The Dog Days are Over, Florence and The Machine
    You’ve Changed, Sia
    Right as Rain, Adele
    Release Me, Agnes
  5. Reward yourself. After all your hard work, give yourself a treat by lounging in your newly clean room, replenishing your wardrobe with the latest trends, and of course, enjoying spring!
Allison Milam is a sophomore at Boston University double majoring in Communications/Advertising and Sociology. After living in sunny Sarasota, Florida for her first eighteen years, Allison shipped up to Boston for a new climate and a new start. She spends most her time working with the Community Service Center, writing for the Buzz Magazine at Boston University, and participating on BU's National Student Advertising Competition's team. She has a passion for cooking, eating, and talking about food, and hopes to attend culinary school after she graduates from BU. Allison spent the summer of 2010 as the resident food writer for SRQ Magazine back home in Sarasota, and continues to do freelance. Whenever she can squeeze it in, Allison loves watching Weeds and Mad Men. Her goal is to attend as many concerts and meet as many famous people as possible while living in Boston! Allison loves living the city lifestyle and hopes to one day write for Bon Appetit magazine or work for a cutting-edge advertising agency!