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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

The beginning of the year is, quite arguably, the most exciting and ecstatic time of year for freshmen and returning students alike. Newcomers are all pouring into Boston, all set to begin all sorts of new adventures while returning terriers are just itching to flee from their tear-inducing drab hometowns. To those of you with awesome hometowns—just hush. We should all be so lucky. 

In the midst of all of the craziness and crowded streets, it can be quite difficult to even think of anything other than how to rearrange your room, or if all of your clothes will fit into the shared closets. Splash has, in the past, been one of if not the biggest event on campus geared towards reeling in all of the new freshmen into a slew of popular activities and organizations. Most of Boston University’s most popular organizations always make it a priority to represent and recruit at this exciting event, but with all of the frats, theatre groups and councils at Splash, there are always a few that seem to be left out. 

The first thing that surprised me was the apparent underrepresentation of Sororities! I mean, I personally wasn’t keeping out too much of an eye, wasn’t particularly thinking of pledging, but I didn’t seem to notice much of a presence! I know the ladies of this school can shout and cheer louder than the acapella groups or that group that I signed up for to get the free water bottle…come one, we all do it. 

Another thing to remember while traversing around Splash is that, as a sophomore, it is easy to take notice of the organizations that you were once a part of. Of course I was drawn to the drama clubs and stands with food, but for freshmen everything is new! Everything is unknown to them and so each organization must go above and beyond to make absolutely sure that the eyes of these youngsters, as they know appear to be, are drawn directly to their table. Splash 2012 was pretty exciting, albeit the rain-out at the end, and I can only have the highest of hopes and anticipations for next year’s event!

Rep Photo from http://www.goterriers.com/facilities/nickerson.html

Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."