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Sophomore Lessons Learned

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

As I finish finals, and start packing my sophomore year away, I take some time to reflect on my year. I have learned some very important things about myself and about school that we can all learn from and take into the future.

1. Do your homework when it is assigned.

This should have been a lesson I learned earlier, but I learned that for the most part professors follow the syllabus pretty well. So don’t wait to do your readings and assignments until the night before the midterm, because boy will you be upset at yourself.

2. Your friends are limited.

During your freshman year, you try to make friends with as many people as possible. But you walk into your sophomore year realizing that you have no interest in speaking to most of the people you met in the past. You only need a handful of real friends to make your time in college fun and meaningful. Don’t shy away from meeting new people, but making new BFF’s should not be a priority anymore.

3. Brighten your horizons!

Allston is not the only weekend destination and I think this was something I learned my first month of freshman year. But if you haven’t, don’t be afraid to explore your horizons. Boston is a huge city with thousands of college students so go out there and take advantage of the city and schools that surrounds us!

4. There is no excuse to fall behind.

At the beginning of the year or semester you must realize that you’re on an equal playing field as everyone else in your classes. For most students, the material you’re learning is new. If it’s not new, the professor is new and you’re all learning a new way. So if you find yourself struggling, reach out to a professor, the department, or a fellow classmate.

5. Safety is key!

You’ve heard it all before. Travel in groups, don’t take your electronics out at night, and use campus resources. But after all that has happened on our campus, I’ve learned that all the things that are told to us over and over might actually work. Your safety should be a priority, so listen to those wise words!

Ashley Rossi is a sophomore at Boston University studying Magazine Journalism and Mass Communication. After living in a small town for most of her childhood she looked towards the city for an exciting adventure. At BU Ashley has volunteered with the Community Service Center and written for various publications, including The Buzz and College Fashionista. Her goal is to eventually run the creative department for any major fashion magazine or international design house. Ashley also blogs daily on her blog, Gossip, Chanel, and English Tea on Tumblr. In the meantime she enjoys relaxing on the beach, watching Gossip Girl and Weeds, and reading the next Lauren Weisberger novel.