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Slow Down You Crazy Child

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

We’re all under the assumption that college life is supposed to be crazy.  You are supposed to pull all-nighters during the week due to all of your studying, and stay up partying through the weekend. That’s the lifestyle that we all come into college believing we are going to have.  Work hard, play hard, and it all evens out, right?
As fun and important as it is to be busy and make the most of your college years, it’s just as if not more important to give yourself a breather! I have compiled a list of reasons why you don’t have to go out tonight, or even tomorrow night if your heart doesn’t desire it:

You can stay in tonight because you partied really hard last weekend.  You probably still have bruises too.  Remember how awful you felt the next morning?  Remember how you swore off alcohol and high heels for the rest of your life?  Maybe you were being a little dramatic at the time, so you don’t really have to abstain from alcohol or heels for the rest of your life, but maybe just for aweek?  I promise you the parties never change much, and you’ll be able to get right back on that crazy-college-kid bandwagon next weekend.  But one weekend with no hangover could be refreshing.

You can stay in tonight because you had a rough week.  Ma
ybe you’re homesick, maybe you’re recovering from a break-up, or maybe you just have a case of what Truman Capote’s Hollie Golightly would call the mean reds.  Despite common belief, you can’t always drink or dance your problems away.  Usually, the next morning your problems will still be there, along with a hangover or aching feet.  Sometimes taking the time to really deal with a problem as opposed to avoiding thinking about it makes a world of difference.

You can stay in tonight because you had a productive week. Maybe you went to all of your classes, did all of your homework, and even took a test or wrote a paper.  College takes work, and it can exhaust you.  You did everything you were supposed to do; you are on the right track, so it’s okay to reward yourself…with a quiet night in.  Sleeping is allowed, even in college.

You can stay in tonight just because.Stay in because you used to think watching a movie with friends over a pint of ice cream was the most exciting thing in the world.  Life doesn’t award you with much down time, and things will only get busier once you graduate and become a part of the real world.  So while you can, stay in and enjoy an easy night.

As Billy Joel once sang in his song Vienna, it’s perfectly acceptable to “take your phone off the hook and disappear for a while…you can afford to lose a day or two.”  So slow down every once in a while.  Your body and your sanity will thank you for it.

Shelby Carignan is a sophomore at Boston University studying journalism.