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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

This week’s campus cutie is Shilpan Chokshi from Clifton, NJ. He is a freshman Biology major in the College of Arts and Sciences and can be found hanging out with friends in Warren Towers, participating in BU Fatakada dance team, or exploring the city of Boston.

One of Shilpan’s favorite activities is the BU Fatakada dance team. He has had a lot of fun, and the team just won first and second place in the last two weeks! “We’ve been practicing for four months, it’s been a lot of hard work, so it was really gratifying and exciting,” he said.

One strange fact about Shilpan is that he does not like dogs, or animals in general, and has actually been attacked by them multiple times (Ouch!).

Shilpan is also a vegetarian and his favorite food in the dining hall is pizza. His favorite movie is The Dark Night and he has too many favorite songs to just pick one.

Although he used to want to be the President, now his dream job is to be a doctor. He has been really busy this semester, so in his free time, he tries to catch up on sleep and hangout with friends. On the weekends, Shilpan likes to find things to do around campus to have a good time. Some of his favorite places in Boston include the Commons and Mike’s Pastry. Next time you’re in Warren, keep an eye out for this campus cutie! 

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.