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Real Life BU Guy: Fall into Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

With Fall semester in full swing, many of you may not have the time or wherewithal to be concerned with relationships or flings, but what have we learned since last semester? A little advising every now and then never hurt anyone and, in fact, a lack thereof can lead to just that. It seems as though it is always the misguided and misinformed that fall victim to problems with potentially easy fixes. So, it’s Fall semester again and whether you’re back for another year or just starting out at BU, there are some fun Fall ground rules everyone should follow.

First, it’s midterm season around here so, yes, it naturally follows that you’ll be swamped with numerous icky assignments, cramming for exams, and no doubt surrounded by essay prompts and study guides. The last thing you need to be surrounded by is boy drama, so leave that for a later date—especially if you’re a freshman. Take it from one who made that mistake a little to early on last year, you don’t want to be caught up in the middle of work and play when one of them goes south, because unless you’ve got a heart of steel, the other one will too.

Second, and this is for my upperclassmen, there is absolutely no time for moping around sulking because you’re either halfway through or almost done with college and don’t have any shoulder candy to show for it. There’s no time for this because there is just so much time left in life to find whatever on earth it is you’re looking for, so take a step back and breathe. Enjoy your last little bit of time in that fabulous single-lady skin, because once you strap on the ball-and-chain that’s it…unless of course you want to pull a Samantha Jones or something and perpetually play the field for your entire life. No judgment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not back on my anti-relationship kick or anything—although we got a lot out of that little streak, last year—but I do think it’s important to recognize when an actual relationship is both appropriate and inappropriate in terms of fitting into your life. Autumn is just one of those seasons best left for focusing on schoolwork, career goals and pumpkin spice lattés. If you’re new, take in a little but of campus, if you’re returning then take in some more of the city. It’d be a downright shame to ruin this semester with all of unnecessary tension that can result from simply taking on too much at once.

Eventually it will be safe and suitable to go back on the prowl—but let’s not get carried away. There are dos and don’ts to snagging a new hubby, something we’ll have to cover a bit later. For now just worry about next week’s paper, or whether you’ll order a grande or venti the next time you’re in a Starbucks, or—hello—your Halloween costume! What better distraction from the potential pang of a botched attempt at a Fall-fling than trying to figure out who, or what, you’re going to get to dress up as. So kick back, distress and, in two more weeks, dress to impress. Boys will be waiting when the time is right, they’re boys. Focus on you this Fall. Until next time!

Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."