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The Real Award Winners of the Oscars

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


Last night’s Oscar Awards certainly had its fair share of drama, running a full half hour past its scheduled end time. Between the fashion and celebrities, there were many winners and losers. The musical performance tributes were certainly fun to watch, as well as the opening act. Nothing was more enjoyable than watching Joseph Gordon Levitt or Channing Tatum dance around the stage in tuxes. Of course, there were some lows, such as the “Losers” song at the end of the show. The biggest surprise had to be Michelle Obama announcing the award for best picture. Priceless. Below are some of the standout moments from last night’s telecast:

The “Best Purse” Award – Quvenzhané Wallis, the 9-year old nominee, was way too adorable walking the red carpet with her stuffed animal puppy purse. She proudly has carried this piece of statement fashion to every award show this season, the Oscars being no exception.

The “Best Dressed” Award – A definite tie between Charlize Theron and Jennifer Lawrence. Both looked stunning and sleek in their white gowns. And I would even argue Theron also won for Best Hair, sporting a Neil Patrick Harris-like cut. 

The “Being Drunk on the Red Carpet” Award – Amanda Seyfried. Hands down most entertaining part of the red carpet. It was a mind game trying to understand what she was saying to Ryan Seacrest.

The “Most Shocking Moment” Award – Learning Adele’s last name is Adkins. Almost as unsettling as hearing Norah Jones sing without a piano. After getting over this initial shock, I returned to my usual state of being in love with Adele.

The “Biggest WTF Moment” Award – Kristen Stewart in general. I can’t decide whether her limp or bed head confuses me the most. I’m not asking for a smile, but the least you could do is comb out your hair. Like, it’s the Oscars.

The “Can She Be My Best Friend?” Award – Jennifer Lawrence. A shocked Jennifer Lawrence tripped on her dress while walking up to receive her Oscar for Best Actress. This potentially embarrassing incident just made me love her even more. Of course Lawrence handles this very human moment with elegance and grace.



Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."