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On or Off?: Your Guide to the Housing Debate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

To stay on-campus or to go off-campus, that is the question. With the housing deadline fast approaching (friendly reminder that if you want to stay on-campus, then your $600 deposit is due Feb. 25th) everyone is scrambling to figure out who they are living with and where. As a freshman, my friends and I were excited to have a say in where we were going to potentially live for the next three years. We first weighed the pros and cons of staying on or going off-campus and this is what we found.
PROS [of staying on-campus]
1. Location: no matter where you look off-campus, nothing is going to be closer to your classes than on-campus housing
2. Free cleaning: always something to consider, cleaning, cooking, buying food and cleaning supplies all add up (in time and money)
3. Dining plan: yes you can still have a dining plan off-campus; however, your dining hall won’t be two floors down, and you can’t go in your pajamas
4. Security: you won’t find a security guard making sure you are safe and sound
CONS [i.e. Pros of going off-campus]
1. Independence: no RAs, obnoxious floor mates, communal bathroom, security guards, anyone can come visit you without a yellow pass, and if its past 2am you can go back with your friends
2. Cooking: at least for me, one of my main complaints is not being able to cook my own food and have healthy options
3. Decorating: paint, furniture, storage, larger beds, large showers, vanities…you get the idea; plus you get to make it all your own!
4. Space: a kitchen, living room, bigger closets, a place to eat your food, multiple bathrooms, potential parking space for a car, and if you’re lucky a rooftop deck!
5. Cost: depending on where you go, most students find off-campus living cheaper (just be sure to be aware of the extra broker’s fee)
6. No housing pool: Bottom line is you get to pick where you want to live and there is no chance that you can get stuck living in a single in Warren
Now, once you make your decision about on or off-campus, I have some tips for those who are house/apartment hunting.
1. Start early! The earlier, the better. The housing deadline is Feb. 25th so I would start searching in late January, as early as the first weekend back from winter break in order to have lower competition and see the most options.
2. Know exactly how many people you will live with. This may seem silly but make sure everyone in your group is 100% committed to living off-campus, looking for a 3 bedroom apartment is a lot different than looking for a 5 bedroom.
3. Be aware of laws and regulations. Massachusetts’s law states that only 4 undergraduate students can live in the same apartment together. That being said, some people find their way around this rule, leaving one person off of the lease; but make sure the landlord is aware of your group’s situation.
4. Anywhere you lease, you have to commit for 12 months. However, there is a market for subletting during the summer, or if you plan on staying in Boston for the whole year, then you don’t have to worry about it; however, if you sublet you are expected to leave your furniture.
5. When viewing apartments, talk to the tenants. Ask them about the landlord, how quickly issues are fixed, why they are leaving the apartment, how long it takes them to get to class, if it’s a noisy building, etc. They are your best-unbiased resources.
My friends and I ended up living off-campus and are really excited for next year; however, off-campus living isn’t for everyone so make sure you evaluate the pros and cons before making a decision. Hopefully this list helped and if you need contacts for a real estate agent email me at arrossi@bu.edu

Ashley Rossi is a sophomore at Boston University studying Magazine Journalism and Mass Communication. After living in a small town for most of her childhood she looked towards the city for an exciting adventure. At BU Ashley has volunteered with the Community Service Center and written for various publications, including The Buzz and College Fashionista. Her goal is to eventually run the creative department for any major fashion magazine or international design house. Ashley also blogs daily on her blog, Gossip, Chanel, and English Tea on Tumblr. In the meantime she enjoys relaxing on the beach, watching Gossip Girl and Weeds, and reading the next Lauren Weisberger novel.
Allison Milam is a sophomore at Boston University double majoring in Communications/Advertising and Sociology. After living in sunny Sarasota, Florida for her first eighteen years, Allison shipped up to Boston for a new climate and a new start. She spends most her time working with the Community Service Center, writing for the Buzz Magazine at Boston University, and participating on BU's National Student Advertising Competition's team. She has a passion for cooking, eating, and talking about food, and hopes to attend culinary school after she graduates from BU. Allison spent the summer of 2010 as the resident food writer for SRQ Magazine back home in Sarasota, and continues to do freelance. Whenever she can squeeze it in, Allison loves watching Weeds and Mad Men. Her goal is to attend as many concerts and meet as many famous people as possible while living in Boston! Allison loves living the city lifestyle and hopes to one day write for Bon Appetit magazine or work for a cutting-edge advertising agency!