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“No Shave November”: He Says, She Says

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


The day after Halloween the world becomes a different place. It’s officially November, which means colder weather and warmer jackets, a quickly approaching fall recess, and of course the beginning of “No Shave November,” an effort in which men all across the United States grow out their beards and mustaches to raise awareness for testicular cancer. And while some men and women like this newfound scruffiness, some clearly do not. A constant battle between the two groups has led to the greatest debate in American society: to keep the beard, or to not keep the beard? What do you think of “No Shave November”?

He Says

“I don’t shave, I trim because it’s ‘No Shave November’.” – Konstantino Sparakis (Boston University, 2016)

“I think it’s a good idea, but I don’t think I would ever do it – it gets too itchy. But, I do think that ‘No Shave November’ beards take second place after playoff beards in the NHL.” – Matt Detora (Boston University, 2016)

“If you decide to do it, you can’t quit half way. But if you don’t decide to do it, then it’s whatever.” – Aaron Plosker (Boston University, 2016)

“‘No Shave November’ is great. It’s a month of awareness. I mean, if you have to shave to be professional for a job or whatever, then by all means shave, but I don’t see it as a bad thing at all. I’ve done it in the past and I’m currently doing it now.” – Adrian Kelly (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2015)

“It gives us a chance to be lazy so I’m pro ‘No Shave November.’’” – Kevin Liu (Boston University, 2016)

He Says Consensus: Most boys could care less… Surprise, surprise.


She Says

“Whatever floats your boat, man. It’s not directly impacting my life, so if you want to have a furry face that’s fine with me.” – Sophia Jacob (Boston University, 2016)

“‘No Shave November’ is only okay if girls can do it too.” – Anonymous

“I think it could be cute, but if you start to look like Moses then you’re getting carried away.” – Julie George (Boston University, 2016)

“I like a little scruff, but don’t make it look like you’re a caveman.” – Megan Canne (Gallaudet University, 2013)

“No girl wants to kiss a guy with a scruffy face – it’s like getting cut every time you touch faces.” – Danielle Sundermier (Boston University, 2016)

“Midway through November it’s fine – but once you get to the point where you can see crumbs in someone’s beard it’s not okay. A month is way too long.” – Anonymous

“I think it’s funny and fun! But I couldn’t do it myself because I like having shaven armpits and legs.” – Leanne Hoppe (Boston University, 2014)

She Says Consensus: A little scruff like Ryan Gosling’s do is alright, and overall “No Shave November” is for a good cause – but don’t go too crazy. (Sorry Brad, you’re cute and all but the beard has got to go.)

What do you think, collegiettes? Should the boys keep the beards and participate in the “No Shave November” fun, or ditch them and find another way to help the cause? I’m voting everyone magically turns into Ryan Gosling OR buys these “beards” as a way to have a part in the fun while still pleasing the ladies.

Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."