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My Secret Obsession: Cheesy Bread

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I still remember my first time.  It was late in the evening, I was sitting on one extra-long twin bed in a Warren single, staring out the window into the starless sky.  It was pretty late; it must have been past midnight, but not yet past 3 a.m. 
“You have to try this,” my friend said, handing me the open box of Domino’s Cheesy Bread she had just ordered. 
I held the warm, greasy box in my hands and stared down into it.  Inside, the loaf of cheesy bread shined up at me.  The scent of cheese, bread, gooey goodness, and instant regret wafted up into my nostrils.  How could I resist? 

I was hooked by the first bite.  It is safe to say I had never had any one food that filled me simultaneously with so much joy and so much shame.  And that’s all it took for me, a Domino’s Cheesy Bread virgin, to become enamored with this product. 
As the weeks passed, my addiction just grew.  If I had absolutely no shame or health-awareness, and an endless amount of Dining Points, I may have let this become a daily treat.  Luckily it never got to that point.  I kept it to a weekend-only tradition.  That was bad enough.
Every Friday night, I would go out to a party or a friend’s apartment.  But the whole night I would have one thing on my mind: going home and ordering cheesy bread.  I would call in the order with a friend or two, and together we would track it online.  Tamer was always the person who made our order (this helped me develop an unhealthy obsession with Tamer – but that’s a story for another time) and we would wait patiently until the driver would call and announce his arrival.
Some nights, even if I was having a perfectly pleasant time at a party, I would leave early to make sure I could get my cheesy bread.  That’s how bad my addiction became.  It even started to affect my social life.
And now, here I am, still a cheesy bread addict.  To make matters worse, Dominos started stuffing the bread with fun things, like bacon, jalapenos, and spinach.  And while I see the possible problems this addiction may bring on (obesity, diminishing stock of dining points, etc.) I still am thankful for the day a piping hot box of cheesy bread was placed into my hands.  And I encourage everyone to try it at least once.

Shelby Carignan is a sophomore at Boston University studying journalism.