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Best Songs, Movies, Shows, And Podcasts For October

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Do you ever feel yourself wanting to get in that October spooky spirit, but have cycled through all your favorite media? Well, I’m here to help!

This is my definitive recommendation list for everything you need to get ready for the October vibes.


One perfect song for reminiscing on summer fun is “California Dreamin’” by The Mamas and the Papas.

In Boston at this time of year, we all miss the sun, right? Well, no point in ignoring your feelings; pop this song on and embrace the longing. Better to watch the leaves turn with this in the background. You may even want to throw on a chunky knit sweater!

“Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac is another great October song, as it’s impossible to resist the urge to feel like our witchy queen Stevie Nicks when fall rolls around.

Anything by Fleetwood Mac acts as a perfect backdrop for your favorite autumnal activities: sipping a hot chai latte, going on foliage walks, casting spells, etc. “Rhiannon,” by far, hits all these marks the best! Its calm melody and witchy vibes will 100% put you in your best fall mood!


My first recommendation is Only Lovers Left Alive, which is undeniably one of the best and most unique vampire movies out there.

The combination of Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston’s witty charm coupled with the sheer beauty of the film’s set design make it an excellent watch. These distant lovers come together and show audiences the ins and outs of what it’s like to live as a (very bougie, might I add) vampire in the modern world.

It’s funny, sweet, and full of action. There’s nothing better for fall than a movie about two vampire lovers!

And of course, I can’t forget about Wes Anderson’s tried-and-true Fantastic Mr. Fox!

This story of an adorable fox family is a wholesome look into a fantasy world where animals and farmers battle for ground. The color scheme and beautiful stop-motion animation ensure you won’t forget this movie is set in fall, and so are you!


This list of October media would not be complete without American Horror Story.

Again and again, this show gives us engaging and dramatic plots with just enough creepy details. It’s no wonder that the director of this show was also part of making the Dahmer Netflix series – thanks Ryan Murphy for dedicating your life to scaring us!

This anthology series with unique themes in every season, amazing actors, and crazy plot twists is sure hook you! Not only is AHS creepy, but because of its regular October release dates, the new episodes keep you engaged and remind you that you are in spooky season!  

And if you can’t get enough of vampires, What We Do in the Shadows is another great dive into the realm of the supernatural.

This show is sure to find a loving fan in anyone sarcastic. Witty, dry, and ridiculous, this mockumentary-style show about a vampire family living in New York is unique and perfect for fall!


If you like fairy tales or folklore, boy do I have the podcast for you! In Lore, Aaron Manke transports you to another dimension with his calm voice – a world where demons, monsters, and witches exist.

This podcast is a reimagining of age-old folklore into a podcast format. It will have you feeling like you’re trading spooky stories around a dimly lit campfire!

As for the true crime lovers out there, you’re sure to love Sword and Scale, one of the oldest and most reputable investigatory true crime podcasts.

With court clips, interviews, and tapes straight from primary sources, this podcast makes you feel like you’re in the middle of all the action. Sit back, get comfortable, and listen in on how “the worst monsters are real.”

Spooky season is the best season! Prepare well, and watch or listen to something new this October!

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Isabel "Izzy" Rodriguez is a freshman writer at the Her Campus at Boston University chapter. She has done intern work at her high school town's local paper, The Pajaronian. Beyond Her Campus, Izzy is a DJ in training for BU's radio station, WTBU. She is currently a freshman at Boston University, majoring in Journalism. In her free time, Izzy enjoys long car rides, fueled by her favorite music or podcasts, especially with her Australian Shepherd, Strider. She's a little too into This American Life for someone who isn't a middle-aged woman, an official American Horror Story expert, and an Anthony Bourdain die-hard. She loves the beaches in Santa Cruz, California, and misses them dearly every cold Boston morning.