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Molly Rosner’s Words of Wisdom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Most college students are pursuing a degree for the same reason: the hope of obtaining a successful, rewarding career that they actually enjoy after graduation. But why wait until you leave BU to get your career path started? Better yet, instead of starting at the bottom of some huge corporate company, what about rejecting tradition and starting your own? Sound crazy? That’s exactly what Molly Rosner (CFA 13’) decided to do her senior year at BU. Flash forward one year, and her company American Dream House, a lifestyle brand that creates Pop art on all kinds of surfaces, has flourished into a successful business deemed “the resurrection of Pop art”. By following Molly’s advice, you can start thinking about what it would be like to follow your dream and be your own boss.

Get inspired.

Living in Boston provides us students with so many different forms of inspiration. With so many museums, galleries, and historic landmarks, we have an unlimited supply of inspiration right in our own backyard. Molly was inspired by Andy Warhol and his ability to successfully link fine art, business, and pop culture. Finding your inspiration is the first step to following your dream.


Look the part, act the part, be the part.

If you want people to take your brand seriously, you have to get them to take you seriously first. The professionals in whatever field you choose are already going to be daunted by your young age, so be sure to dress and act properly. Be confident in yourself and your ideas, and most importantly know your worth. Molly wasn’t phased when people didn’t take her seriously, she believed in her talent and knew that one day she would find the right people who believed in her talent as well.

Surround yourself with an ambitious team.

As tempting as it would be to hire all your friends to be a part of your business, make sure your surround yourself with positive influences. People who are driven and willing to get the job done will be more useful to you than those who are just trying to ride on your success. Molly has created a “Dream Team” of passionate young individuals who all share her creative goals. She says working with them is her favorite part of American Dream House, which makes her job even more fun and rewarding.


Don’t be discouraged by mistakes, a “go with the flow” attitude is key.

You’re young, you’re ambitious, but you’re also new to the business world. Mistakes are an important part of the learning process. Instead of being daunted by flaws, embrace them. The bumps in the road make the journey more worthwhile.


“Moment I stop having fun with it, I’ll be done with it.” –Drake

Molly’s final piece of advice comes from one of the most successful young entrepreneurs of the moment. Like Molly, Drake has stayed true to himself and his image. Never compromise yourself or your happiness for the sake of your career. Know who are you are and what your goals are. Most importantly, always aim high.

Check out americandreamhouse.com to see Molly’s work and get inspired!

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.