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Laura Sheaffer

Meet Rutu Nagarsheth, BU Terrier and Busy Bee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I’ve met a great deal of driven, accomplished people in my first year at Boston University, but none who have made such an impression on me as Rutu Nagarsheth. A member of the Class of 2021, Nagarsheth is a rising senior studying Behavioral Biology in CAS, yet her major only scratches the surface of her involvement at BU. A passionate member of VAGMO+, BU West Coast Swing, and acting club Wandering Minds, Nagarsheth likes to keep busy. When asked how she keeps up with it all? 

“I don’t study,” Nagarsheth laughed, joking in spite of the array of notes scattered in front of her.



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Nagarsheth is an international student from India, but since her move to Boston three years ago, she’s certainly found her place in the community. Since her freshman year, she’d been in a leadership position with BU West Coast Swing. 

“The reason that I joined this club…is because we just dance as more of a hobby…which is really nice,” Nagarsheth said, speaking fondly of her experience learning a dance form that hasn’t been as conventionally recognized.



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In addition to her dancing involvement, Nagarsheth is an active member of Wandering Minds, an acting club at BU she joined her freshman year. Participating in over eight shows, Nagarsheth started helping with props, then served as a stage manager, director, and actor in her various involvements in the club. However, many of the club’s scheduled performances were interrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic. The club decided to record some of their shows as podcasts, to preserve the hard work they’d put in.

“A lot of people were seniors and they were graduating,” Nagarsheth said. “We wanted to have it recorded in some form for a keepsake.” 

Lastly, Nagarsheth spoke about her experience as a tech for The Vagina Monologues, an annual performance of monologues put on by the group VAGMO+, meant to raise awareness to many unspoken topics of womanhood. Nagarsheth’s experience in VAGMO+ has left a significant impression on her.

“That club has given me a different kind of social experience that I kind of always lacked,” Nargarsheth said. “It is something I recommend every single female and every single person to see.” 

She described how rewarding an experience it was to see people truly learn something when they saw the show. VAGMO+ also created a podcast on Spotify with Yoni Ki Baat, a group advocating for intersectional feminism.

As for the uncertain future of student activities in the wake of the coronavirus, Nagarsheth is cautious about getting her hopes up, especially with worries of a second round of the virus. 

“It’s gonna be my senior year,” Nagarsheth said. “The uncertainty is very hindering.” 

Though Nagarsheth will be serving as the Vice President on Wandering Minds’ Executive Board, she hasn’t been sure how to proceed due to the possibility of not returning in the fall.

“I do hope with all my heart we will go back,” Nagarsheth said, trying to remain positive. “We’ll have to come up with a lot of creative solutions.” 

This looks to be the truth for most clubs, but Nagarsheth’s dedication should give hope to many. Involvement at BU will always continue, especially when it’s in such good hands.


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Ruby is a sophomore from Phoenix, Arizona studying computer science and media science at BU. She loves to express her passions through writing, and hopes to help some readers along the way. Besides writing for Her Campus, Ruby spends her time cooking, reading, and exploring new coffee shops.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.