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Meet Our UK Sister Chapter: Her Campus Manchester!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

It’s official: Her Campus has officially reached the UK! HC BU has been lucky enough to be selected as Her Campus Manchester’s “sister chapter” in the UK expansion of Her Campus and we’ve loved getting to know these amazing ladies over the past few months. Through Skype sessions, we’ve gotten to learn more about the ladies who founded Her Campus Manchester, Jasmine Walker and Cerys Llewellyn, and we’re so proud of everything they’ve already accomplished. Even though their chapter is still in its growing stages, Jasmine and Cerys have done an amazing job recruiting writers, brainstorming events, and spreading the word about Her Campus at their university.

To get to know them a little better, Winnie and I decided to ask them a few questions that we know you’re all wondering about life in the UK!


What do you do for fun? What do you do on the weekends?

Cerys: I like seeing my boyfriend in my free time and going for drinks with the girls near home.
Jasmine: Yeah, we’re so lucky that we have some nice bars near where we live. I like to go to the gym after lectures in the evenings, especially when we’ve got so much work to do. Its great to relieve stress.
Cerys: Even though its so cold in Manchester, its always good weather for running in the park opposite home!
Jasmine: On the weekend I think its an important time to catch up on sleep and have long brunches!
Cerys: Shopping is also definitely high on the list!

What trends are popular in the UK? What are your favorite fashion trends?

Jasmine: I LOVE big cozy knitwear and fur collars. Its always raining here so a coat is key in my wardrobe!
Cerys: My parents live in Ethiopia, so I’m used to very hot weather! I try to wear my Summer clothes as much as possible but I get so chilly so I agree – cozy coats are definitely a must-have and key trend for the season.

What are your opinions of American Thanksgiving? When do people start celebrating Christmas in the UK?

Cerys: I used to celebrate Thanksgiving as I went to an American school. I loved it, the food is always delicious and family means a lot to me so is a great excuse to have a party! But I wish that we celebrated it in England!
Jasmine: I agree, its such a shame we don’t have Thanksgiving. But I love christmas! It’s my favourite time of the year so I don’t think it’s ever too early to celebrate! I’m already eating mince pies and drinking mulled wine!
Cerys: Manchester has a huge Christmas market with amazing gifts and food/drink.
Jasmine: It starts mid-November so always makes us feel festive early in the season!

What do you think are the worst British stereotypes?

Cerys: We all drink tea! 
Jasmine: This is actually true. We both drink lots of tea, its so yummy and warming!
Cerys: So it’s true, although some people drink coffee more regularly!
Jasmine: I think usual stereotypes think that’s Brits are really posh.
Cerys: We’re not actually all like that! It depends where you live and where you’ve been brought up I think.


Keep an eye our for more on our UK sister chapter at the end of the semester!

Check out their page here: http://hercampus.com/manchester

My name is Sam and I'm a junior at Boston University in the dual degree program studying economics and business administration. Along with being the Co-President of Her Campus BU, I'm also the campus representative for Victoria's Secret PINK at BU! I'm obsessed with Boston, but I'm originally from New York and hope to live in NYC after I graduate. I love being with my friends & family, shopping, and travelling!